雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 請注意:. 1. 賽馬節目及六合彩攪珠4月22日起改由82台播放(四月十五日更新) 2. 加大努力 走向無塑(四月十五日更新).

  2. 1. TV broadcast of racing programmes and Mark Six draws relocated to Channel 82 from 22 April (issued Monday, 15 April) 2. Step up efforts to go plastic free (issued Monday, 15 April)

  3. 競駿會為你精心安排以獨特的方式認識賽馬運動,更會帶給你前所未有的新體驗。本會將源源不絕地打造不同與馬匹相關的活動,務求以嶄新的角度為會員帶來獨特的賽馬體驗。不論是透過賽馬幕後實況的活動、與有關專家會面交流或探訪專屬賽駒,以及一系列品味生活軼事,競駿會定能為你締造 ...

  4. 字型. 香港賽馬會會籍分為四種 : 賽馬會籍、全費會籍、競駿會會籍及公司會籍, 各會籍享有不同的權利和服務。. 國內會籍是屬於北京香港馬會會所的會籍,由北京香港馬會會所有限公司營運。. 此外,國內會員在馬會和北京會所的互惠安排之下,可使用香港 ...

  5. There are four main types of Membership of The Hong Kong Jockey Club, namely Racing Membership, Full Membership, The Racing Club Membership and Corporate Membership, with special privileges and services attached to each type.

  6. Full Membership. The entrance fee for admission to Full Membership is currently at HK$850,000; Monthly subscription for continued enjoyment of membership privileges and facilities is currently at HK$2,800*;

  7. Login to the Member's Portal of The Hong Kong Jockey Club and enjoy exclusive benefits and services. You can access the latest racing information, watch live webcasts, manage your online account, and more. Join the club that celebrates the thrill of horse racing in Hong Kong.