雅虎香港 搜尋

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  1. HKU ChatGPT. Please log in with your HKU Portal account to use the ChatGPT service.

  2. Please log in with your HKU Portal account to use the ChatGPT service. Terms and Conditions for ChatGPT Use by HKU Staff and Students

  3. HKU ChatGPT. With Artificial Intelligence (AI) set to revolutionize education, HKU ITS is providing ChatGPT and DALL∙E, powered by Microsoft’s Azure OpenAI services, for staff and students to prepare for the future and reap benefits from the immense potential AI has to offer.

  4. ChatGPT4 for HKU Staff is a new service that enables users to interact with a powerful AI language model for various tasks and scenarios. Learn more about ChatGPT and its applications here.

  5. 2023年2月17日 · You’ll have heard of ChatGPT, one of many large language models sweeping the internet and shaking up global education. We’ve started to consider the implications of AI-based tools for teaching and learning at HKU and plan to launch a broad-based campus debate involving both teachers and students.

  6. 2023年8月1日 · 01 Aug 2023. The University of Hong Kong (HKU) is embracing generative artificial intelligence (GenAI) tools, such as ChatGPT, in teaching and learning to actively enhance students' cognitive abilities and application skills.

  7. 2023年8月3日 · Over the past several months, HKU has offered free access to ChatGPT and other generative AI tools for teaching staff. Beginning this new semester in September, a wide range of GenAI tools such as Microsoft OpenAI and Dall-E will be provided for free to all teachers and students for teaching and learning purposes.

  8. Course Selection Chatbot GPT

  9. ChatGPT透過分析大數據,模擬人類的自然對話方式,藉以提供答案或解決方案,功能包括撰寫文章及設計程式;除了解答科學、歷史、常識等提問,更有助於通過大學商學院或法學院考試,以至醫生執業資格試。 筆者曾把給學生的論文題目輸入ChatGPT,所生成的答案可評為乙等或以上。 ChatGPT具有自學能力,在接收新數據後,就會加以分析和理解,再自動更新知識庫,從而提高準確性,全程毋須人為干預。 當與人類對話時,則會根據上下文本而生成合適的回應,並且可以保持對話主題的連續性和一致性。 這使其可以擔當助手角色,協助解答客戶服務問題,或進行簡單的日常對話。 此外還能利用神經機器翻譯(neural machine translation)這種機械翻譯技術,以端到端(end-to-end)方式進行翻譯。

  10. 2023年5月19日 · 近日各大电子媒体都纷纷讨论ChatGPT的功能,有人担心自身工作遭取代,而有人却因ChatGPT提升效率而感到欣慰。. 在各方观点中,正反两面势均力敌,但究竟ChatGPT对我们来说是利多于弊,还是弊多于利呢?. 4月底,香港大学中国商业学院举办了为期三天的校内 ...

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