雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. When tremor has stopped. Follow staff instructions. Act calmly. Avoid evacuating by elevators that have not been ensured safety.

  2. 各国・地域別 日本人訪問者数〔日本から各国・地域への到着者数〕(2017年~2021年). ⽇本⼈旅⾏者の国別訪問者数については、各国の受⼊国統計やUNWTOの統計から情報⼊⼿可能な範囲で転記しJNTOでまとめています。. 各国が公表した⽇本⼈来訪者数(受⼊国 ...

  3. "Safety tips API", an information distribution service Disaster information which is given in “Safety tips” of the app providing information for foreign tourists visiting Japan in times of a disaster can be provided to other apps. For further details, please refer to the following.

  4. When an earthquakeoccurs. Inside an underground space. Stay calm, protect your head, and wait for tremor to stop. If there are no fire risks, undergrounds are relatively safe.

  5. When an earthquakeoccurs. In sightseeing areas. Protect your head with a bag and be careful of falling objects. Try to stay away from building structures.

  6. JAPAN:the Official Guide. To travel with peace of mind, you are strongly encouraged. to have private medical insurance*. with adequate coverage. Private medical insurance* can be purchased before your trip or when you arrive in Japan. Please be prepared just in case of any injuries or illnesses that may occur during your trip.

  7. 入境日本後也可投保的民間醫療保險,投保範圍涵括COVID-19,讓您在日本居留期間可獲得充分的補償。. 即便是高額的治療費也提供支援的1,000萬日圓的治療費補償. 附贈「口譯服務」「醫療機構介紹和安排服務」. COVID-19也在對象之列. 醫療費免付現金服務*應對 ...