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  2. 大量室內設計和家居裝潢資訊,絕對是亞洲的終極設計指南 | 美好家居. Top 50 Cocktail Soirée 2024亮點回顧:設計大師分享靈感泉源. 第二屆Home Journal Top 50 Cocktail Soirée於西九龍 「Townplace 本舍」舉行,為一眾香港室內設計界翹楚帶來別具啟發性的一晚。 生活品味. 米蘭設計週:IKEA探索 Z 世代之家居意義. 談及佈置第一個家,不期然想起一個名字:IKEA。 這個來自瑞典品牌,堪稱平板包裝家具的先驅,它改變了人們佈置家居的方式,已成為時尚與簡約美學的代名詞,尤其吸引喜歡裝飾家居的年輕人。 雜誌專題. 設計潮流時尚生活靈感,盡在 Home InStyle 香港時尚家品家紡展.

  3. Homie Design 陪伴您走過整個室內設計及裝修過程專注於打造獨特個人化的家居。 我們以您的需求為中心,實現溫暖舒適的家,建立屬於您的獨特家居品味。 立即聯絡我們,共同創造夢想中的家!

  4. AT HOME DESIGN is a local interior design company, we uphold several concepts. In Hong Kong, we make good use of every space, and make customers feel comfortable and satisfied at the same time. We have extensive experience in residential and commercial projects.

    • home design and decoration1
    • home design and decoration2
    • home design and decoration3
    • home design and decoration4
    • home design and decoration5
  5. RAZ Interiors is an all-around home design studio based in HK, creating contemporary residential interior designs according to every client's preferences, living habits, unit area, and budget. At RAZ Interiors, our team of professional designers and project managers follows a personalised approach to deliver exceptional residential interior ...

    • Unit 11, 7/F, Block A, 16-18 Hing Yip Street, Mai Hing Industrial Building, Kwun Tong
    • 3460 5158
  6. Looking To Renovate Your Home? Download the app now! Interior Design for Hong Kong Homes. Interior Design in Hong Kong is grossly misunderstood by the majority of property owners or tenants. There are two parts to any interior decoration project – functionality, and aesthetics. In the West, a more frequently used term is remodeling.

  7. Liquid Interiors is a full-service interior design firm in Hong Kong, designing and implementing 360-degree bespoke interiors from concept through to completion. Our goal for each interior design HK project is to create beautiful, timeless, personalized, and meaningful interiors for our clients that improve their environment, health, and lifestyle.

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