雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2018年5月24日 · Although a youngster in the fashion world, founded in 1993, Bape has grabbed the attention of fashionistas in Hong Kong, New York, Los Angeles, Taipei, Paris, Bangkok, and Singapore. If you want to get your hands on pieces only available in Japan, head to Bapexclusive in Tokyo's trendy Aoyama district or Kawaramachi in Kyoto.

  2. 日本女性佩戴珍珠飾品的歷史由來已久。自日本珍珠品牌MIKIMOTO創始人御木本幸吉於1893年發明人工養殖珍珠後,日本Akoya珍珠漸漸為全世界所認知並獲得了一致高度評價。而在今天的日本,佩戴珍珠飾品參加婚禮葬祭則成為一種文化傳統。從國際知名品牌到獨立設計品牌,日本大大小小的珍珠品牌 ...

  3. 2016年10月24日 · 除非你独居慧眼,一件件不同风格,材质,价位的时装才能穿出杂志里模特的感觉。. 1. 2. 从1976年Beams创立伊始到2016年这40年里,在东京年轻人中间流行的穿着,音乐,家装的多彩流变。. 各种风潮,类别的标签走马灯一样来来去去,交织出有关东京流行文化的 ...

  4. 2019年5月24日 · Every year, Japanese clothing retailer Uniqlo holds a Global T-Shirt Design Competition, with the winning designs used to create a limited collection of graphic tees for the company’s UT T-shirt range. The theme for the 2019 UT Grand Prix was Pokémon, and Uniqlo received a record 18,000 entries from people around the world, which were whittled down to 24 winners, chosen by a judging panel ...

  5. 2022年10月24日 · 2022年9月30日,日本知名时装品牌ISSEY MIYAKE时隔两年再次来到了巴黎举办他们的春夏系列发布会。ISSEY MIYAKE绝对是喜欢时尚的中国人最熟悉的日本时尚品牌之一。哪怕是对于这串英文不甚了解的人,也应该听过它的中文名——“三宅一生”,再不济,也起码曾在街上看到过ISSEY MIYAKE最经典的一款包。

  6. 2019年12月3日 · The world's richest green tea gelato. Suzukien × Nanaya is a gelato shop in Asakusa that specialized in many tea-flavored gelatos, including hojicha and genmaicha. And 7 levels of matcha. No.1 is the sweetest, and the most like normal green tea-flavored sweets you might encounter. The bitterness of the green tea gradually gets more intense ...

  7. 2016年3月25日 · Considering the company was founded over 150 years ago by Riemon Tsuji, the man credited with establishing the method for growing the flavorful gyokuro green tea leaves that are highly prized throughout Japan, you would certainly expect it to have the expertise to come up with some seriously tasty stuff. ...