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  1. hong kong property tax 相關

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      設施、交通、 單位呎價


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  2. Property tax is computed at the standard rate on the net assessable value of the property for the relevant year of assessment. A year of assessment runs from 1 April to 31 March of the following year. The net assessable value is computed as follows: The following links provide you with more information on computing property tax.

  3. GovHK 香港政府一站通:物業稅. 主頁. 本港居民. 稅務及應課稅品. 物業稅. 稅務及應課稅品. 物業稅. 業主的稅務責任. 你可透過此網頁了解業主的稅務責任。 申報租金收入. 你可在此了解如何填寫及提交物業稅報稅表,包括由個別人士全權擁有、由個別人士聯權或分權擁有,及法團與團體擁有的物業。 出租收入. 此網頁說明申報出租收入的詳情,包括出租收入的定義及申報租約頂手費的資料。 租金收入的稅項扣除. 你可在此了解更多關於物業稅的稅項扣除,包括業主繳付的差餉、不能追回的租金,以及修葺及支出的標準免稅額。 選擇個人入息課稅是否減少稅款. 通過此網頁,你可了解更多關於個人入息課稅的資料,以及如何減少所須繳付的物業稅。 填寫及提交報稅表. 此網頁提供有關填寫物業稅及提交報稅表的資料。 稅率.

  4. 2021/22 Property Tax 30,960 2022/23 Provisional Property Tax 41,280 Total tax payable 72,240 Calculation of Provisional Property Tax for 2022/23 is based on the NAV for 2021/22, but grossed up to 12 months, as follows : $ Estimated NAV ($206,400 x 12 /

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  5. Property Tax - What you need to know as a Property Owner. What are my tax obligations as a property owner. Which tax return is for reporting rental income and how to complete. How Property Tax is computed. What is rental income. What deductions can I claim. Can I pay less tax by electing Personal Assessment.

  6. Time limit for filing. Request for a duplicate return. Filing of paper return. Electronic Filing of BIR57 (Internet Filing) Common questions and answers. Completion of Property Tax return. (1) BIR57. Property Tax Return BIR57 is used for reporting income from property jointly owned or co-owned by an individual with other person (s).

  7. Property Tax adopts the territorial principle and is levied on properties located in Hong Kong. As a result, the fact that whether the owners’ residency and nationality of a foreign country is irrelevant to exemption from this tax. Basis of Deductions. Maximum of 20% deduction on annual rental income.

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