雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. HSBC Hong Kong offers a range of bank accounts with 24/7 online banking services for investments, insurance, credit cards, loans, mortgages and savings.

  2. 使用滙豐個人網上理財,每天24小時快捷、方便、輕鬆管理您的戶口。

  3. HSBC Hong Kong offers a range of bank accounts with online banking 24/7, mortgages, savings, investments, credits cards, loans and insurance.

  4. HSBC in Hong Kong - Personal Internet Banking

  5. Established in 1865 to finance the growing trade between Asia and Europe, HSBC is today the biggest bank in Hong Kong. HSBC is known in Chinese as “Wayfoong”, which means “focus of wealth” or “abundance of remittances”. As the Bank of Hong Kong, we thrive alongside the city’s position as an international financial centre.

  6. HSBC, one of the largest banking and financial services institutions in the world, serves millions of customers through its three Global Businesses.

  7. 香港滙豐. 多樣化理財方法. 登入方式. 登入個人網上理財只需兩個步驟。 首先您需要輸入您的用戶名稱和提示答案,然後再以密碼或以保安編碼器/流動保安編碼產生的保安編碼進行登入。 個人網上理財服務會視乎您選擇的登入模式而有所不同。 通常透過保安編碼器/流動保安編碼登入會比較安全,而且可以讓您享用所有個人網上理財服務。 「不使用保安編碼器/流動保安編碼」登入. 透過「不使用保安編碼器/流動保安編碼」模式登入,您需要輸入您的用戶名稱、提示答案和密碼 (3個隨機字碼) 。 例如,如您的密碼為「 Ab12Cd34 」,當您需要輸入第四、第六及最後一位密碼時,請輸入'2'、'd' 及 '4' 於空格中。 如何登記「不使用保安編碼器/流動保安編碼」登入模式.

  8. HSBC Online Banking Stock Trading Platform. Service is temporarily unavailable. Please try again later. (Ref: ERROR_CODE_DEFAULT)

  9. Log on to Business Internet Banking. We have refreshed our log on screen. Learn how this makes online banking easier. Username. Forgot username. Next. New to online banking? Sign up for Business Internet Banking. Register as a user. Replace security device with Mobile Security Key.

  10. 滙豐商業客戶仍可登入滙豐商務「網上理財」和滙豐財資網(HSBCnet使用電子支票服務。. 請瀏覽 重要通告 查閱最新消息。. 由2024年8月18日起,滙豐將暫停語音認證服務。. 客戶仍可透過電話理財私人密碼確認身分以使用電話理財服務。. 請瀏覽 重要通告 查閱 ...

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