雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2017年6月9日 · When you spend a lot of time watching Japanese and Western TV commercials, you start to notice a few key differences, one of which I'd like to examine here. Western TV commercials typically start with a core "idea" of some sort: a message, concept, thought process or theory.

  2. Top 4 Globally Famous Japanese Advertisements. Japanese Commercials. We've put together four of our favorite viral videos that garnered fans on an international level. Movie Trailer: Sekigahara. Movies Japanese Commercials.

  3. 2024年日本新版紙幣設計就要登場!. (下). Lynn 2023年6月20日 更新. 深度日本 日本文化. 日本的紙幣設計樣式將於2024年更新,新的面額一萬日圓、五千日圓、一千日圓的 新版紙幣正面人物,將變成澀澤榮一、津田梅子和北里柴三郎。. 那麼新版紙幣的背面呢 ...

  4. 2017年6月8日 · Japanese commercials are known globally as being wacky or over-the-top. However, the sentimental commercials here also deserve equal attention. These ads depict the honne or "real self" of the Japanese, normally concealed due to propriety.

  5. 2017年6月23日 · 1. High School Girls? — Shiseido. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5n3Db6pMQ-8. This ad starts with a teacher opening a classroom door and a camera wandering slowly into a high school classroom full of lingering female students. Then suddenly the video plays in reverse revealing a huge surprise (we won't spoil it here, so please watch).

  6. 2017年1月26日 · 1. Wait Before Sitting Down. http://www.photo-ac.com/main/search?q=%E3%80%80%E4%BC%9A%E8%AD%B0&pp=39&p=3. When visiting someone else’s office, wait until the host says “Please, have a seat,” before sitting down. Actually, that sort of seems like common courtesy, regardless of whether you’re a visitor to someone’s workplace or a guest in their home.

  7. 位在代官山與惠比壽交界的HENRY'S BURGER,主打100%嚴選的A5黑毛和牛,將牛肉用炭火燒烤,將和牛最原始的肉汁鎖在肉排裡。 配上新鮮的生菜與佐料,讓一份牛肉漢堡不會那麼的油膩。 單價雖然偏高,不過想吃吃看由黑毛和牛製成的漢堡記得不要錯過。 店內座位不多,所以比較推薦大家外帶喔。 官網: http://www.henrysburger.com/ 預算:1,000~2,000日圓. 營業時間:11:00~20:00. 地址:東京都澀谷區惠比壽西1-36-6. 交通方式:各線惠比壽站徒步10分或代官山站徒歩2分. 用餐時段總是大排長龍的自家製烏龍麵|山長烏龍麵 (うどん山長) http://photohito.com/photo/6274913/

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