雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2019年7月5日 · To open an account, head to your local branch with the documents listed above. The forms you need to fill in are all in Japanese but fairly straightforward, including info like your address, date of birth, etc. After applying, you’ll get a cash card (and an optional bank book) sent to you through the post. One thing to be aware of: while ...

  2. 地 址:橫濱市西區港灣未來2-1-1. 交通:從港未來線的港未來車站步行5分鐘. 時間:10:00~17:00. ※每週一公休. ※2019/4/2~重新對外開放(2018/11/1~2019/3/31日本丸因進行修繕,暫不開放參觀) 門票‎:成人400日元,高中小學生200日元. 官網: https://www.nippon-maru.or.jp/ 附設醫院的豪華郵輪|太平洋女王「冰川丸」 除了帆船,情侶也可選擇參觀郵輪,體驗一下「鐵達尼號」裡傑克與蘿絲相戀的場景。 停泊在山下公園旁邊的「冰川丸」。 黑身紅底的冰川丸非常有氣勢,本是豪華郵輪,二次世界大戰時則被作為「海上醫院」使用。 冰川丸可供參觀的空間就更多了,還有客廳、交誼廳等等。

  3. 築地・山貴水產市場位於香港島灣仔碼頭,其設立宗旨是為喜愛壽司及生魚片的香港人,建立一個能夠體驗築地市場氛圍的環境與用餐空間。 在市場內,最引人注目的是每週五、六晚上7點半舉行的香港唯一的鮪魚解體秀。 此外,市場內常備有40至50種日本酒,可以選擇在餐廳內品嘗,也可整瓶購買。

  4. 2016年5月2日 · 來日本除了爆買, 嘗美食和賞櫻花外, 看看古城堡學學日本歷史也不失為一個有意義的活動。日本的名城像名古屋城,大阪城,熊本城等通常都是離關東很遠的地方。但其實離東京都心相對較近的地方也有不少有名氣和歷史的古城堡,這次介紹的城堡都離東京不超過2小時的車程。下次來東京想從都心 ...

  5. 2019年4月17日 · iDeCo accounts were created by the government to encourage individuals to save and invest their hard-earned cash for retirement. They are similar to 401k accounts in the U.S. but the contribution limits are lower—between ¥12,000 and ¥68,000 (about US$100 to $600) per month, depending on your employment status.

  6. 2023年1月17日 · Chuban nishiki-e color woodblock. The man we know today as Hokusai was born in 1760 in Edo (modern-day Tokyo) and given the name Tokitaro. His talent in drawing and painting emerged during his early years, and at the age of nineteen he was apprenticed to a painter and printmaker named Katsukawa Shunsho.

  7. 2017年1月30日 · According to Line, "Line Pay is a payment service that allows you make purchases from Line Pay Merchants. You can also send money and split bills with your Line friends. You can make payments easily with your credit card without registering, and if you register for Line Cash (a Line Pay account), you can make payments with your balance, as well ...