雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. You can contact us by fax +852 2269 3085, email us at customer.care.mpf@hsbc.com.hk or write to our mailing address below: MPF: The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited

  2. 你可以透過傳真 +852 2269 3085、電郵至customer.care.mpf@hsbc.com.hk或以郵遞方式聯繫我們,我們的郵寄地址為: 強積金: 九龍中央郵政信箱73770號 香港上海滙豐銀行有限公司

  3. 滙豐強積金MPF). 慎防冒充滙豐強積金名義的欺詐通訊欺詐來電語音訊息電郵短訊及其他偽冒方式。. 如有任何疑問,請聯絡我們。. 郵遞提示 - 請注意最新郵資調整,為免因郵資不足而導致派遞延誤或無法送達,請在投寄郵件時支付足夠郵資 ...

  4. 想要查詢我們的銀行服務,還是想了解更多資料? 本頁詳列所有相關的電話號碼及熱線的運作時間,以供參考。

  5. MPF member hotline: (852) 3128 0128 MPF employer hotline: (852) 2583 8033 Write to us You can contact us by fax on (852) 2269 3085, email us at customer.care.mpf@hsbc.com.hk or write to us at this address: MPF: The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking

  6. Our hotline is open 24 hours a day, every day. But if you need to speak to a specialist, we're available between 8:30am and 7:30pm, Mondays to Fridays; between 8:30am and 1:00pm on Saturdays, except on public holidays. HSBC MPF member hotline:

  7. For details, you can click here to watch the demo videos or you can contact HSBC MPF Employer Hotline at 2583 8033 to learn more. HSBC MPF WeChat Official Account HSBC MPF brings customers a brand new self-service experience by extending our service to WeChat platform.

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