雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. iOS 17 滿載超多新功能,令溝通更豐富生動,分享更簡單容易,亦為 iPhone 的全螢幕帶來新睇法。

  2. iOS 17 正式版丨Apple 蘋果今日(19日)正式釋出iOS 17正式版版本!IOS 17新系統帶來了多項升級重點,包括Journal智慧日記app、NameDrop、Live Voicemail、安全通報等全新功能。想知有咩新功能及點用,新Monday為大家整理 Apple iOS 17 正式版懶人包,即睇iOS 17有咩驚喜位!

    • iOS 171
    • iOS 172
    • iOS 173
    • iOS 174
  3. iOS 17. Every day. More extraordinary. iOS 17 brings new features to enhance the things you do every day. Express yourself like never before when you call or message someone. Share content in convenient new ways. And do even more with new experiences for your iPhone.

  4. iOS 17 brings big updates to Phone, Messages, and FaceTime that give you new ways to express yourself as you communicate. StandBy delivers a new full-screen experience with glanceable information designed to view from a distance when you turn iPhone on its side while charging.

  5. iOS 17 為「電話」、「訊息」和 FaceTime 帶來了重大更新,可讓你在溝通過程中透過全新方式表達自己。 「待機模式」提供全新的全螢幕體驗,在充電時將 iPhone 側放即可從遠處清楚查看資訊。 AirDrop 能讓你更輕鬆地與週遭的人分享和連線,並且加入 NameDrop 來分享聯絡人。 鍵盤的增強功能讓輸入文字更快、更輕鬆。 iOS 17 也更新了小工具、Safari、「音樂」、AirPlay 等功能。 如需 Apple 軟體更新安全性內容的相關資訊,請參訪此網站: https://support.apple.com/zh-tw/HT201222. 想取得更新或更新時發生問題, 請進一步瞭解 。 iOS 17.0.1. iOS 17.0.2. iOS 17.0.3.

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