雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. IKEA 的嬰兒床經過多重安全測試可調校高度或拆除護欄寶寶日漸長大也能繼續使用配合我們的嬰兒床褥讓你的寶寶夜夜好眠

  2. 想買 Baby bed 性價比最高的IKEA Baby bed 都在這裡!快來 IKEA 網上商店看看我們推介的 Baby bed 吧!

  3. 照顧寶寶的需要. 以白色配淺金色的木製傢具,打造簡約時尚又安全的北歐風嬰兒房。 從嬰兒床、搖籃到床單和更換尿布檯,ÄLSKVÄRD系列都能滿足初生寶寶的需要。 家應該是滿載難忘親子回憶的地方因此我們為所有產品進行測試確保嬰兒傢具以至玩具也符合最嚴格的國際安全標準讓你加倍安心 (但我們無法保證孩子會乖乖安靜)。

  4. Cots for baby, today and tomorrow. You’ll find a big choice of durable, stable cots in the IKEA range, including many where you can remove one side when your child gets bigger, so they can use it for longer. Children’s safety is always our highest priority.

  5. KALAS Series. UPPSTÅ Series. Supporting your babys first years. Create a Scandinavian-esque baby room that’s minimalist, safe and stylish with this series in white with blonde wood. From a baby cot and bassinet to bed sheets and changing table, ÄLSKVÄRD is everything you need for babys first years.

  6. Check out IKEA baby products which live up to the highest health and safety standards. You can worry less and they can play more. Shop for our baby products at IKEA online store now !

  7. Something that’ll definitely be practical for all of the sleepovers that are sure to come. Browse our huge range of toddler beds, children’s beds. Our kids bed range includes cabin, bunk, extendable beds, mid and high sleeper beds. Shop now.