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  1. Comfortable dining chairs create positive influences to your appetite and mood. We offered lots of options including dining chairs, folding chairs, dining stools, bar stools, and even baby highchairs to cater all your needs. You can buy together with our chair pads

  2. 舒適的餐椅能提高你的食慾及改善用餐環境快來IKEA 選購推薦餐椅及摺椅吧檯凳及嬰兒高椅。 你更可以一同購買推介的椅墊, 配襯你的飯廳傢俬。 馬上逛逛宜家家居的最新飯廳餐椅系列!

  3. 首頁. 產品. 餐椅及摺椅. 椅子新寵. 計劃招呼親友聚餐? LISABO系列的新款椅子定能大派用場。 添加軟墊的座位確保客人坐得舒服,享受促膝長談的每一刻。 LISABO 椅子 $499.9, LISABO 檯 $2,499.0. LISABO 椅子 $549.9. 精選產品. 顯示所有產品. 餐椅 (97) 實木製餐椅 (33) 摺椅 (8) 可疊起餐椅 (15) 長凳 (4) 餐椅連檯組合 (10) BERGMUND系列椅套 (7) 餐椅組合 (18) 商品總計 174. 排列方法. 篩選. 只顯示 : 新產品. 超值推介. 特價/優惠. 線上購買. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. ÖSTANÖ 椅子 $149.9, KLINTEN 椅子 $499.9. 令每頓飯更美味的舒適座椅.

  4. IKEA's dining chairs are offered in various sizes and heights to fit your personal needs. You can shop for dining sets with chairs and tables sold together. Folding chairs are also available for you to save up more space at home. Come shop around now !

  5. Check out our wide range of dining furnitures, ideally made for your home. You will find dining tables and sets, dining chairs, tableware, table setting and sideboards furnitures at low prices yet with best qualities.

  6. Dine in style: discover the perfect dining chairs for your home. Elevate your dining experience with our curated selection of dining room chairs, designed to blend seamlessly with any décor while promising comfort and durability for everyday use.

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  9. 想為你的家居添置新的 DOCKSTA - 檯, 白色/白色, 103 厘米嗎?馬上進入IKEA 網上商店看看我們精選的 DOCKSTA - 檯, 白色/白色, 103 厘米吧!我們提供不同類型的選擇,符合你的靈活佈置需求。你更可以在我們的商店裡選購其他產品,立即查看更多宜家家居的傢 ...

  10. We’ve put together chairs and tables that go perfectly together, so you’re sure to have a coordinated and great-looking dining room. From wooden to rattan dining chairs, choose from IKEA's wide range of styles, materials and colours that will be the perfect fit for any home! Shop here!