雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2023年11月25日 · 綜合市場資訊,今日整體一手成交共錄約40宗,其中新地 (0016)屯門兆康 NOVO LAND第3B期...... 美國就業職位增長較預期弱。. 8月非農就業職位增長14.2萬個,低於分析師預期的16萬個。. 至於7月的非農...... 8號風球今日下午解除後,鷹君 (0041)及港鐵 (0066)合作的何文田 ...

  2. 2021年12月8日 · Google本年香港熱搜榜出爐 「世一」成最熱搜意思潮語. 圖1之1 - (明報製圖). Google今日(8日)公布香港2021年度搜尋榜,當中包括英譯中及中譯英熱搜榜,亦有不少網民上網搜尋潮語的意思,上榜的字詞均是港人今年熱議討論的焦點。. Google香港2021年度 ...

  3. 覆核《頭條新聞》辱警指控 港台工會得直 官裁「侮辱」基於抗疫工作非社會地位 沒違守則. (2024年9月5日) 即時體育. 巴黎殘奧|港隊銅牌戰不敵意大利 輪椅劍擊女花團體賽得第4. (2小時34分鐘前) 經濟. 中銀出招爭按揭 最多回贈0.25% HIBOR見1年低 分析:更多優惠料 ...

  4. 2024年5月17日 · It is indeed necessary to review whether there is a disconnect between their salary levels and those of private sector employees. In the past, there were views from time to time that civil servants were paid much more highly than workers in the private sector for the same type of work.

  5. 2024年3月6日 · Considering also the complications of the external environment and the intense rivalry among international powers, it will indeed be a challenging task to achieve an economic growth of 5%. But certainly the authorities would not have set such an ambitious target if they lacked the confidence.

  6. 2024年6月13日 · That said, whether the rule of law and judicial independence have changed is another matter. Since the Hong Kong National Security Law took effect in 2020, five overseas judges have resigned from the Court of Final Appeal one after another.

  7. 2024年3月15日 · However, the incident of Neptune Terrace shows that if a real situation arises, it is indeed possible to summon 600 owners or so to a meeting. In contrast, a meeting threshold that is too low will make it possible for some people to exploit it.

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