雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. Invisalign is the manufacturer and supplier of clear aligners and ViveraTM retainers which are made according to your Invisalign trained provider’s prescription. Invisalign trained providers are independent registered doctors who are not employed by Invisalign and

  2. Welcome to the. Invisalign® Doctor Site. Remember username/email. LOG IN. Forgot Username or Password? Become an Invisalign provider.

  3. 選用性價比高的香港隱適美易invisalign go隱形牙箍,佩戴舒適且能針對廣泛的前排牙齒排列問題,最快6個月 1,為用家帶來笑容上的明顯改善,笑起上來更自然又自信。

  4. Invisalign braces treatment - the patent recognition in Hong Kong. The Professional registered dentists follow up the entire invisible braces process. chinese english

  5. Yes, Invisalign clear aligners can fix an overbite or deep bite. We can help you find an experienced Invisalign doctor who can show you what Invisalign treatment can do for you.

  6. Invisalign 隱形牙箍 | Invisalign Lite. 累積超過20年創新研發成果,Invisalign隱適美牙箍矯齒療程在世界上領先。. 隱形牙箍有別於傳統金屬牙箍,隱適美隱形牙套外觀透明幾乎看不見,更可輕鬆除下,無需鐵線及金屬牙套的輔助,更無需改變你清潔牙齒及日常飲食的 ...

  7. Invisalign ensures the best results for adults with clear aligner (invisible braces). Registered dentists use our patented technology, SmartTrack, SmartForce and SmartStage to enable the nice movement and predictable treatment outcome.

  8. Invisalign invisible teeth straightening provides up to 50% faster treatment time*. Find more information about Invisalign and Invisalign technology, get better smile with clear aligners. * vs. weekly aligner change , data on file with Align Technology

  9. Invisalign invisible braces is an investment for your confidence. Find out about the Invisalign treatment cost Hong Kong.

  10. 請參閱隱適美 Invisalign 如何運作,進一步查看取得您的隱適美隱形牙套前的逐步計劃。 今天就尋找隱適美醫師預約看診吧!

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