雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. Invisalign® Doctor Site. Remember username/email. LOG IN. Forgot Username or Password? Become an Invisalign provider. I am a staff member.

  2. Invisalign Doctor Site Login. An email has been sent to email provided for username/password recovery. If you don't see one, please check Spam folder. or contact Align Customer Care at (888) 822-5446 between 5am and 5pm PST immediately.

  3. Log in to Invisalign Doctor Site to manage your patients' treatment plans, submit prescriptions, upload photos and scans, and access helpful resources. If you forgot ...

  4. 箍牙推薦 | 專利認可的箍牙療程 | 隱形牙箍牙套 - Invisalign 隱適美香港. 全面升級. 網上預約體驗! 未能親身到隱適美體驗館? 從今天起體驗不再受地點限制! 只要預約專屬時段,隱適美團隊即可以網上帶你走一回體驗館,並解答你的疑問! 立即預約體驗. 隱適美療程費用是多少? 隱適美隱形牙箍與傳統牙箍的價錢相若,以更短的時間 3 助你矯正大大小小的牙齒問題。 大部份牙醫亦設分期付款方式,讓你更輕鬆開展療程。 隱適美物超所值. 隱適美費用分期計算機. 適合個案. 療程費用. 療程時間. 全方位矯齒:簡單至複雜矯齒個案. 上下牙弓的全部牙齒,包括咬合問題. 簡易矯齒:簡單至一般矯齒個案. 前排上下共24隻牙齒. 療程由牙醫主理,費用由牙醫設定. 平均 12 – 18 個月2.

  5. Login to your Invisalign Doctor Site Go to Patient tab Select a patient Click the “Open ClinCheck plan” tab These steps will automatically open your patient’s treatment plan in the new ClinCheck ® Pro software.

  6. Invisalign braces treatment - the patent recognition in Hong Kong. The Professional registered dentists follow up the entire invisible braces process. chinese english

  7. Using the Invisalign Doctor Site. Adding a new patient. Submitting a prescription. Uploading photos. Selecting intraoral scans. Reviewing a treatment plan. Reset your password. Use and care of aligners. ADD: Polyvinyl Siloxane Impressions (PVS)

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