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  1. June 24, 2020. Follow. 更新 iOS 14 測試版之後, 尹嘉裕 KAKA 嘉嘉 唔知點解係到篤個機背 🤔 唔通係隱藏功能? 詳細內容: https://bit.ly/3fSuMWP #iOS14 #iOS14Beta #WWDC #Apple.

    • 4 分鐘
    • 137.6K
    • Main Actions For App Advertisers
    • Main Actions For Advertisers Using Web Events
    • Event Measurement
    • Measurement and Reporting
    • Ad Creation, Audience Selection and Delivery For App Campaigns
    If required, verify your domain in Facebook Business Manager.
    Set up and prioritize up to eight web events per domain in Events Manager.
    Review ads and ad sets that will be paused via the Resource Center tab in Facebook Ads Managerand update or replace them.
    We’re going to restrict, aggregate and delay reporting to align with Apple’s policies by implementing Apple’s SKAdNetwork app attribution API, and Facebook’s Aggregated Event Measurementfor website...
    We’ve given advertisers toolsto flag which app events are to be used for ads, in line with their legal commitments and platform terms for data privacy and data use.
    We are limiting the number of website eventsthat can be used for optimization to 8, while we continue to explore ways to add events.
    Events from iOS 14.5 devices that opted out of the Apple prompt on Facebook will not be used to include users in Website Custom Audiences.
    We will no longer support long attribution windows where we won’t have full event data and will likely not be able to do modeling for 28 day click-through, 28 day view-through, and 7-day-view through.
    Delivery and action breakdowns will not be supported for offsite conversion events. This includes demographic breakdowns such as age, gender and region.
    We are introducing modeled reporting for our 1-day click-through attribution window that accounts for events no longer reported. To adjust for data sharing limitations, we will not use modeling for...
    Lift Measurement will not be allowed for iOS 14 Mobile App Install and Mobile App Events campaigns.
    To reach iOS 14.5+ users, you will be required to create separate iOS 14 app install campaigns with one ad account per app, nine campaigns per app and five ad sets per campaign of the same optimiza...
    The ability to provide a link that sends people to a custom view after they install an appis no longer available.
    iOS 14 app install campaigns are not available for Reach and Frequency buying.
  2. 2020年7月11日 · iOS 14 Beta2 已經在前幾天推出,這次加入了哪些新功能或修正?這篇快速帶你來了解 #iOS14 #測試版 #apple #測試版系統

  3. 2020年12月16日 · December 16, 2020. Speaking Up for Small Businesses. By Dan Levy. VP Ads and Business Products. Summary. Facebook is speaking up for small businesses. Apple’s new iOS 14 policy will have a harmful impact on many small businesses that are struggling to stay afloat and on the free internet that we all rely on more than ever.

  4. 2020年9月22日 · iOS 14 已經推出正式更新了,你更新了嗎? 網路上有不少人認為 iOS 14 仍不穩定,有許多 App 不相容,批評「iOS 14 是倉促推出的系統更新」,但真的是這樣嗎?實際上 App 相容並不是蘋果的問題,而是該 App 開發商沒有及時推出更新所致。

  5. 2021年3月3日 · iOS 14 的新功能你覺得好用嗎? 蘋果說 iOS 14 更新率創新紀錄,你也是 iOS 14嗎?

  6. Update: how to manage Apple's iOS 14 live changes. April 26, 2021. Updated on April 26, 2021: On Tuesday, April 27, 2021 Facebook will begin rolling out new ad measurement protocols --Apple’s SKAdNetwork API and Facebooks Aggregated Event Measurement -- following the release of iOS 14.5.

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