雅虎香港 搜尋

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  1. At the Hong Kong Jockey Club, we pride ourselves on a recruitment process that is transparent and fair. We strongly encourage all potential candidates to seek job opportunities solely through our official channels. We urge you to be alert to fraudulent activities that may ask for application fees or offer unusually high salaries.

  2. 2010年5月25日 · Mr Engelbrecht-Bresges joined the Club in 1998 as Director of Racing and was appointed Executive Director, Racing in 2000, at which time his portfolio was extended to include responsibility for the Property Department. During this period he played a significant role in uplifting the quality and profile of Hong Kong horse racing to world-class ...

  3. 網上重溫. 賽日收音機. 節目 / 主持介紹. 每日晨操片段. 試閘片段. 主持有料到. 自購馬來港前賽事片段. 綠茵闖蕩. 賽事規管知多些.

  4. Racing Touch最新版本**明天推出,Android用戶可於 racingtouch.hkjc.com 免費下載iPad用戶可於App Store免費下載。 詳情可瀏覽 racingtouch.hkjc.com 或致電馬會熱線1817查詢。 *投注人士必須年滿十八歲. **適用於Android OS4 及iOS7或更新版本的流動裝置.

  5. 賽馬小百科是香港賽馬會提供的賽馬知識平台,讓你了解賽馬的基本規則、試閘 的意義、馬匹的特徵和賽事的分析。

  6. 6. 駿天宮. 這匹四歲馬於4月攻下春季天皇賞(3200米),首奪一級賽冠軍。. 上仗在2200米一級賽寶塚紀念賽負於「春秋分」蹄下得季軍,證明具備級數。. 7. 春秋分. 去年此賽冠軍,現居浪琴全球最佳賽駒排行榜首位。. 休賽四個月後今仗復出,力爭一級賽五連勝 ...

  7. 賽馬小百科 - 賽馬知多些 - 賽馬資訊 - 香港賽馬會 論戰系列 - Kent & Curwen 百週年紀念短途盃

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