雅虎香港 搜尋

  1. 相關搜尋:


  1. The app provides various functions useful for both foreign tourists and residents in Japan, such as an evacuation flowchart showing actions to be taken in the light of surrounding circumstances, helpful phrases for obtaining information from the people around, and website links that contain helpful information in the event of a disaster.

  2. 病気・怪我の際は、以下をご確認の上、. 医療機関の相談窓口または受診する医療機関を検索してください。. 医療に関する相談がしたい. リンク先 に掲載している滞在中の都道府県の相談窓口に連絡してください。. ※開設時間外は厚生労働省新型コロナ ...

  3. 「Safety tips」是外國旅客專用的推撥通知資訊警戒應用程式。 本推撥通知應用程式告知您關於地震速報、海嘯警報與其他日本國內氣象警報等警戒,可用語言包括英語、日語、韓語、中文(繁體)、中文(簡體)、越南語、西班牙語、葡萄牙語、泰語、印尼語、塔加路語、黎巴嫩語、高棉語、緬甸語與蒙古語。 本應用程式提供許多對外國觀光客與居民來說皆相當實用的各種功能,諸如疏散處理流程圖表以告知您在目前狀況下應採取的行動,災害應急會話則讓您可以向周遭民眾獲取資訊,以及包含了災害相關實用資訊的網站連結。 信息發送服務“Safety tips API” 向訪日外國遊客提供災害信息的“Safety tips”應用軟件所提供的災害信息,也可以在其他應用軟件中提供。 詳細請參照下列內容。 提供實例.

  4. Japan Official Travel App” is the official smartphone app provided by JNTO, delivering up-to-date information about traveling in Japan for a safe and comfortable journey.

  5. JAPAN:the Official Guide. To travel with peace of mind, you are strongly encouraged. to have private medical insurance*. with adequate coverage. Private medical insurance* can be purchased before your trip or when you arrive in Japan. Please be prepared just in case of any injuries or illnesses that may occur during your trip.

  6. The Earthquake Early Warning alarm, along with special sound, is broadcasted on TV, radio, cell phones, and smartphones. When you see or hear an Earthquake Early Warning, you should remain calm and ensure your safety first depending on the situation, even if you do not feel the vibrations.

  7. When a Heat Stroke Alert has been announced. This website provides international tourists in Japan with information about safe travel.