雅虎香港 搜尋

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  1. 令外國人瘋狂的日本大麥若葉青汁. 健康. 大麥若葉青汁是日本有名的健康食品,不僅擁有較長的歷史背景,而且種類繁多,可以說是日本國民健康食品的代表之一。. 近年來,日本青汁的超高評價吸引了外國遊客搶購,曾經掀起了一陣青汁風潮。. 【深度日本】台日 ...

  2. 2016年6月15日 · 在大多数人的印象中,日本的科技水准全球领先,各种高科技产品层出不穷。如果在地球人民都使用智能手机的时代,您看见大批日本人,尤其是那些西装革履的商务人士还在老老实实使用旧式翻盖手机时,会不会有大跌眼镜之感呢? 实际上,今时今日,日本依然有大批量的翻盖手机被频繁使用 ...

  3. 其他人也問了

  4. 2021年1月15日 · Of course, these are luxury-brand fashion items, so expect to pay a pretty penny for any one of them (the iPhone case alone, for example, costs US$450). They are handcrafted, using techniques specific to Loewe, and the leather products are 100-percent real leather, so for some, they may be worth the price.

  5. 2016年3月25日 · Why not give the gift of something unique you could only get from Japan! 7. Masuya Bottle & Cup Set (US$14) Masuya is a brand produced by Ohashi Ryoki, a company specializing in the manufacture of masu sake cups. The company is located in Ogaki City, Gifu Prefecture, which accounts for roughly 80 percent of the production of masu cups in Japan.

  6. 深度旅遊. 生活. 【深度日本】暗藏玄機!. 2024年日本新版紙幣設計就要登場!. (下). Lynn 2023年6月20日 更新. 深度日本 日本文化. 日本的紙幣設計樣式將於2024年更新,新的面額一萬日圓、五千日圓、一千日圓的 新版紙幣正面人物 ,將變成澀澤榮一、津田梅 ...

  7. 2016年3月10日 · Iro Ken is the son of comedians, and it shows. In his worshop SORA mobile factory, he creates handmade, paper mobiles imbued with playfulness and humor. For example, his “Little Red Riding Hood” mobile (above) shows a scene inspired by the fairy tale—but in this comical version, the young girl packs a pair of scissors just in case she’s ...

  8. 2017年5月13日 · Wear a Kimono Inspired by Your Country. As an indigenously Japanese article of clothing, kimono usually take the inspiration for their fabric patterns from Japan’s natural environment and cultural traditions. However, Imagine Oneworld, which “aims to contribute to world peace and build a prosperous world,” thinks kimono have the power to ...