雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 作為20年前的名曲,「Cherry」仍舊是他們最有名的一首,也被認為樂團最棒的情歌之一。 實際上歌中並沒有直接提及櫻花或畢業,然而歌詞卻讓我想起了啟程。 就像他們的其它作品一樣,「Cherry」是一首可以有多種解讀的抒情詩。

  2. 本曲說也奇怪歌詞和旋律遠非Happy路線反倒是聖誕夜獨自一人時的難說心境被表現得格外生動這首稍顯憂鬱的クリスマスイブ連續14年停留在Oricon金曲榜前一百名之內堪稱日本流行樂史上傳唱度最高的聖誕金曲

  3. 2014年4月3日 · 1.简直就是全国上下一半的人都醉卧在樱花树下了。. 大约在开花前一个月开始,电视新闻开始播放 樱花开花预报 ,于是大家就可以开始计划“花见”派对了。. 我曾以为树上开花这种事无法预测,然而事实上可以,而且这对他们而言很重要。. “花见”派对是指 ...

  4. 2018年10月26日 · Neither can we! And that's why we're excited to hear that Radwimps, the equally successful rock band behind its soundtrack, has released a short clip previewing four tracks from the movie: "Dream Lantern," "Zenzenzense," "Sparkle" and "Nandemonaiya"—all in English. With less than a month to go until the physical soundtrack's international ...

  5. 2016年1月11日 · 4. Glay — Winter, again. “Winter, again” is Glay’s 16th single, released in 1999. Since their debut in 1994, Glay has become one of the biggest rock bands in the history of Japanese music. In 1999 they set a record by having 200,000 people at their “Glay Expo ’99 Survival” live concert.

  6. 2023年7月26日 · Zerubu Hill (Kamikawa) Central Hokkaido is perhaps best known for its picturesque lavender fields. In Biei City, these vast swaths of lavender meet the nearby Tokaichi volcanic mountain range. Here in Biei, Zerubu Hill is a splendid sightseeing spot for the purple herb and many annual flowers, such as sunflowers, petunias and marigolds. The ...

  7. 2018年10月18日 · Here are some of the most remembered love songs from TV dramas and movies up to 2016. 5. Say Yes — Chage and Aska (1991) “Say Yes” is the duo’s 27th single that was used in the TV drama Hyakuikkaime no Puropozu (The 101st Proposal) starring Tetsuya Takeda and Atsuko Asano. Despite the lead vocal Aska’s recent scandal and drug arrest ...