雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2021年7月19日 · 性急的Johnny會發脾氣: 「去銀行搞海外轉賬搞咗半日,得indicative rate都算,到轉到嗰日睇返個匯率又起咗變化!好亂呀!」 Johnny還沒說完,Nicole馬上接上: 「匯率都算啦…有時過咗數,先知銀行有好多唔同收費!我都唔知佢喺邊度扣咗錢!

  2. 渣打「中小企業理財」明白您的業務是獨一無二,所以我們因應您不同的營商需要,由資金管理、業務拓展,到處理風險,甚至提升收益及擴大跨境業務,都致力為您度身設計解決方案。透過渣打銀行網站遞交文件,無需抽空親臨分行,無論何時何地都可以遞交中小企業客戶年度資料更新(只適用於 ...

  3. 3 天前 · 信用卡繳款. 透過渣打流動理財,無論何時何地也可查閱及繳付信用卡賬項。. 渣打銀行為您提供電子理財及自助銀行服務,您可以在流動理財應用程式繳交信用卡款項,安心又稱心。. 立即體驗,理財自主無難度!.

  4. This hyperlink will bring to you to another website on the Internet, which is published and operated by a third party which is not owned, controlled or affiliated with or in any way related to Standard Chartered Bank (Hong Kong) Limited or any member of Standard Chartered Group ( the "Bank").

  5. Electronic Bill Presentment and Payment Service (EBPP) enables Standard Chartered Online Banking customers to register, receive, view and pay bills anytime and anywhere via the Bank’s internet banking, achieving a more effective management of all bills and payments without any geographical constraints. Back to top.

  6. We’re taking on financial crime. Financial systems can transform lives for good, but they can also fuel harmful activities like terrorism, trafficking and corruption. At Standard Chartered, we have a unique opportunity to drive sustainable growth across our markets. But that also means we have a key role to play in tackling financial crime.

  7. From now till 31 July 2024, complete the 3 actions below to earn a total value of HKD300 Klook e-vouchers: Apply for the Standard Chartered Multi-Currency Mastercard Debit Card; and. Spend once with the Multi-Currency Mastercard Debit Card; and. Perform foreign exchange transactions of HKD10,000 equivalent or more. Terms and Conditions apply.