雅虎香港 搜尋

  1. jumbo seafood restaurant hk 相關

  2. 急凍海產、凍菜、蟹肉罐頭等,價錢優惠,歡迎食肆查詢。 包括三文魚、帶子、蟹腳等,新鮮空運抵港,信心之選。


    • 1
      川菜 · 營業中 ·  651 則評論
      香港中環皇后大道中139號The L. Place 14樓 · 2338 1788
    • 2
      日本菜 · 營業中 ·  984 則評論
      香港銅鑼灣記利佐治街1號金百利廣場7樓R1室 · 2504 3338
    • 3
      美式餐廳 · 營業中 ·  999 則評論
      香港荃灣享和街43-59號都城大廈地下57A號舖 · 3615 1521
    • 4
      粵菜 · 營業中 ·  359 則評論
      香港九龍城衙前圍道39號金‧御門1-2樓 · 2382 6688
    • 5
      川菜 · 營業中 ·  464 則評論
      香港荃灣楊屋道8號如心廣場一期3樓305號舖 · 2960 1588
  1. 1 天前 · The brand new Golden Bauhinia Sang Kee Cantonese Restaurant inherits Hong Kong’s traditional Cantonese cuisine. Striving to promote Hong Kong’s diverse and vibrant food culture, the restaurant retains the essence of Sang Kee’s 45-year-old traditional dishes with carefully selected fresh ingredients, high-quality local produce ...

  2. 4 天前 · The Atrium Chinese Restaurant presents two nine-course set menus priced from HK$4,000 for 6 or 12 persons, showcasing highlighted dishes like Braised Shiitake Mushroom and Goose Web in Abalone Sauce, Baked Stuffed Crab Shell and Chicken with.

  3. www.thepeak.com.hk › en › dining-and-shoppingDining | THE PEAK HONG KONG

    3 天前 · Dining on The Peak just got better. Choose from traditional Asian fare, succulent seafood, modern culinary delights and a wide range of casual dining options as you enjoy some of the most breathtaking and exclusive views of the city.

  4. 2 天前 · The expanded Beverage Program at 22 Ships The restaurant offers a comprehensive selection of beverages hand-picked by Chef Antonio and his team. The selection strictly focuses on Spanish wines, with prices by the bottle ranging from HK$418 to HK$3998.

  5. 4 天前 · There are no dishes under online ordering contract. Please import or add dishes to online ordering contract. 餐厅的在线订餐没有配置菜品,请联系AM在后台一键导入或者单独添加菜品到在线订餐合同。 Jumbo Seafood Restaurant. 5 Hudson St, Boston, MA 02111. Jumbo Seafood Restaurant 珍宝轩 | Online Ordering | ChowBus POS.

  6. 3 天前 · 深圳福田區一帶有很多美食選擇,以下為大家推介10間人氣必試福田美食,有主打炭烤鰻魚的燒肉店、打卡荷包蛋咖啡、雲南菜、居酒屋等,放假上深圳一日遊記得bookmark低以下福田美食推介!

  7. 6 天前 · 佳餚美景概覽. 饕餮於山頂凌霄閣,體驗前所未有的味覺新驚喜。. 無論是展現國萃文化的中式美食、鮮嫩美味的特色海鮮、別緻可口的環球美點,以至別具創意的時令選擇,在山頂醉人的景色配襯下,都是倍添難忘的好滋味。. 山頂凌霄閣羅致四間時尚 ...

  1. jumbo seafood restaurant hk 相關

  2. Orbis is an international non-profit brings people together to fight avoidable blindness. We believe no one should live a life of unnecessary blindness due to where they were born.

  3. 交通便利,鄰近港鐵尖沙咀、紅磡及黃埔站、海底隧道及碼頭,酒店更提供穿梭巴士服務. 位於九龍核心地段,毗鄰匯集購物、消閒和文化藝術的尖沙咀,讓生活節奏時刻緊貼香港的繁華脈搏。