雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. History. Bank of China (Hong Kong) Limited (“BOCHK”) is a locally incorporated licensed bank. In 2001, the Bank of China Group in Hong Kong was restructured. We combined the businesses of 10 of the 12 banks in Hong Kong originally belonged to the Bank of China Group. In addition, we held shares in Nanyang Commercial Bank, Limited (“NCB ...

  2. 葛海蛟先生. 董事長. 葛先生自2023年4月出任中銀香港(控股)有限公司(「本公司」)及中國銀行(香港)有限公司(「中銀香港」)董事長、非執行董事和戰略及預算委員會主席。 葛先生現為中國銀行股份有限公司(「中國銀行」)董事長、執行董事。 葛先生亦為BOC Hong Kong (BVI) Limited及中銀香港(集團)有限公司董事。

  3. 其他人也問了

  4. Mr LIU is the Vice Chairman and Executive Director of BOC since June 2021 and President of BOC since April 2021. He is currently Director of BOC Hong Kong (BVI) Limited and BOC Hong Kong (Group) Limited. Prior to joining BOC in 2021, Mr LIU served as Executive Director of China Everbright Group from December 2019 to March 2021, President of ...

  5. BOCHK helps maximise your wealth potentials with innovative, professional and diversified services, striving to become Your Premier Bank.

  6. Mr SUN joined Bank of China Limited (“BOC”) in 1998. He served as the Executive Vice President of BOC from February 2019 to December 2020, and as Chief Overseas Business Officer of BOC from September 2018 to February 2019. From March 2015 to November 2018, Mr SUN served as General Manager of London Branch of BOC, CEO of Bank of China (UK ...

  7. 網上銀行匯款優惠及收費 交易費優惠:透過企業網上銀行,可享交易費用折扣高達56%。 透過網上銀行,可為經常辦理的匯款資料建立範本,方便日後使用,省時方便。 匯款項目收費請參閱我們的匯款服務收費表。 代理行費用-適用於選擇代理行費用由匯款人承擔

  8. 中國銀行(香港)有限公司(「中銀香港」)是一家在香港註冊的持牌銀行。2001 年,中銀集團重組其在香港的機構,合併了原香港中銀集團十二行中十家銀行的業務,並同時持有香港註冊的南洋商業銀行(「南商」)、集友銀行(「集友」)和中銀信用卡(國際)有限公司的股份權益,使之成為中 ...