雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2019年1月16日 · 16/01/2019. 早前香港第一車網與快而保進行專訪,訪問汽車保險部的總經理 Ken,詢問了幾條本港司機最關注的車保問題,讓更多讀者認識到我們的品牌及加深對汽車保險的認識。 今天,快而保就為大家帶來當天專訪的精華內容。 快而保跟一般汽車保險公司有甚麼區別? 最大的區別在於,快而保是保險經紀(broker)而不是代理。 保險經紀和代理雖然都屬於中介角色,但保險經紀會從客人的利益出發。 作為經紀,我們會因應車主的年齡、駕駛經驗、汽車款式、價錢等因素,比較眾多保險公司的不同產品,從中找出最適合客人所需的保險方案。 快而保如何體現「特低保費」、「投保輕鬆快捷」這些服務承諾?

    • 香港九龍觀塘鴻圖道1號37樓15-20室
    • 3113 2112
  2. 2018年4月17日 · 上星期,快而保總經理Ken Chung 獲邀出席 謎米香港 的直播節目,分享有關汽車保險的資訊,在Facebook 上錄得超過1萬人次收看。 Ken 在節目中談及數個有關汽車保險的常見的問題,想重温當日的節目內容 (廣東話) ,請按 這裏 ,以下亦概括了Ken在節目中分享的車保貼士及意見。 1. 電動車保費在2018年大幅上升. 在謎米香港的直播節目中,首先談論到的一點,是電動車與汽車保險這個熱門話題。 電動車在本港越來越受歡迎 - 在2010年,本港只有少於100架電動車;但截至 2018年2月為止, 已登記的電動車就已急升至 11,103 架。 Ken在節目中特別指出,電動車的汽車保險保費近年大幅增加,我們在一篇有關Tesla 電動車的 網誌 中亦提及到這一點。

    • 香港九龍觀塘鴻圖道1號37樓15-20室
    • 3113 2112
  3. 2015年3月12日 · 汽車保險經理Ken Chung早前接受人氣電台節目訪問,暢談有關汽車保險的不同課題,以及投購車保時須要留意的事項。 新城電台訪問快而保. 新城數碼生活台主持袁灝謙早前邀請Ken Chung擔任嘉賓,出席以生活管理為題材的節目,分享他在日常工作及作為車主有關汽車保險的經驗。 在5個單元之中,Ken談及本港兩大類汽車保險的分別 (第三者責任保險與綜合保險)、駕駛人士須要認知的保險概念,以及如何避免光顧不可靠的保險公司,務求指導聽眾如何按照自己的需求,投購最理想的汽車保險。 除了駕駛人士之外,這次訪問的內容對其他道路使用者其實同樣有好處。 很多人可能認為平日不駕車的人,汽車保險與他們沒有直接關係。 事實上,行人與司機共用道路,假如不幸被路上的車輛撞倒,行人可以向涉事司機的保險公司索償。

    • 香港九龍觀塘鴻圖道1號37樓15-20室
    • 3113 2112
    • F1. Premiums For Electric Cars Have Become Costlier in 2018
    • Why Do People Need to Buy Car Insurance in HK?
    • Main Types of Car Insurance in HK
    • Should I Buy Third Party Or Comprehensive Car Insurance?
    • I Have A p License. Can I Buy Motor Insurance?
    • Want to Learn More Car Insurance Tips?

    One of the first topics addressed in this week’s memehk.com show was the hot issue of electric vehicles (EVs) and car insurance. Electric car ownership continues to soar in popularity in Hong Kong, with 11,103vehicles currently registered for road use (as of February 2018) - up from less than 100 in 2010. One key point that was highlighted in the l...

    Another key segment of the live show focused on why car insurance is necessary in HK. Ken explained that, like in virtually all other countries, car insurance is compulsory here; the minimum level of coverage must be HKD 100,000,000 for any one event resulting in third party (including passengers) bodily injury/death. While not a legal requirement,...

    In Hong Kong, there are two main types of car insurance: third party, and comprehensive. Simply put, third party plans cover bodily injury and death to third parties, as well as third party property damage. Comprehensive car insurance, on the other hand, covers all these items, but with a very important addition: the insured’s own vehicle. As such,...

    There’s no black and white answer to this question, as the ideal type of motor insurance will depend on the driver’s specific circumstances. For example, if your car is worth less than HKD 50,000, then it might not be worth securing a costly comprehensive car insurance plan, as its repair/replacement costs are likely manageable without insurance. I...

    The term ‘P License’ is short for Provisional Driving License, which a driver must apply for upon passing their driving test (learn more about P License and insurancehere). The short answer to the question, “Can I buy motor insurance if I have a P License?”, is yes. Please bear in mind, however, that car insurance cover for drivers with P License t...

    Admittedly, car insurance lingo can be difficult to grasp. However dull you may find it, though, it can pay to brush up on the latest car insurance tips, trends, and insights to ensure you better understand how to hunt for the best motor insurance policy in Hong Kong. Check out our blog to learn more today, or get started with Hong Kong’s leading c...

  4. 2024年4月5日 · 簽二手車買賣合約時的注意事項. 簽訂二手車輛買賣合約時,除了列明上述所列的資料,同時也要注意下列事項:. 仔細閱讀合約條款才簽署. 核實雙方身份證明文件或商業登記証. 細心檢查底盤/車輛識別號碼、引擎號碼與車輛登記文件 (牌簿)上所登記的是否 ...

  5. 2023年12月28日 · 獲發筆試排期信,按信上日期應考。. 筆試內容為 20 條選擇題,需答對 16 條或以上方為及格. 筆試合格後,可即時辦理路試排期信. 選擇駕駛學院或私人師傅學車,根據運輸署建議最少有 30 小時路面實習. 根據路試排期信上所列日期應考路試,分為:. 乙部︰主要 ...

  6. Kwiksure has partnered with all the top insurers in Hong Kong. We are committed to offering the highest quality insurance products and services to all customers.

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