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  1. 【京都自由行】只要稍微了解京都的歷史背景,下次就不用帶導遊啦 | All About Japan. AAJ編輯團隊 2021年7月13日 更新. 深度旅遊 一個人旅行 京都 關西地區. 京都古稱「平安京」,從公元9世紀桓武天皇起,日本就建都在此,直到19世紀後期明治天皇遷都至東京,這一千多年的時間裡,京都一直都是日本重要的政治、經濟、文化中心,素有「千年古都」的美稱。 然而想要熟門熟路穿梭在京都這座千年古都,其實一點都不困難! 只要把握幾條主要幹道和了解一些有關京都的歷史背景,即便距離上回造訪京都有點久遠,也能輕輕鬆鬆遊遍京都哦!

  2. 2018年1月3日 · However, foreign tourists can now take advantage of the Tohoku Expressway Pass: For a flat rate, the pass gives you unlimited access to Tohoku expressways for up to 14 days. Prices range from ¥4,000 for two days to ¥12,000 for 14 days, making it really convenient if you plan to travel a lot by road.

  3. 2018年1月4日 · commons.wikimedia.org. Mount Fuji might seem a little far from Kansai for a hike, but it's well worth the travel effort to summit the tallest and the most spiritual mountain in Japan. Read on to find out how you can make it out to Mount Fuji from the western region of Kansai.

  4. 2016年3月3日 · The kendama is a wooden toy that consists of a wooden ball, or dama (玉), and a main body, called the ken for its vaguely sword-like shape—though the kanji can be either "sword" (剣) or "fist" (拳), and very often it's simply written in hiragana (けん) to get けん玉.

  5. 2019年3月18日 · There are two main stations in central Nara: JR Nara and Kintetsu Nara. Direct trains run from Kyoto Station to both, and each trip takes around 30 to 55 minutes, one-way, and costs between ¥710 to ¥1,200. From Osaka-Namba Station you can get directly to Kintetsu Nara in about 40 minutes. A one-way trip costs ¥560.

  6. 2019年3月18日 · Key Sendai Facts. Sendai (仙台) is the capital city of Miyagi Prefecture, as well as the largest city in Tohoku. It was established in the year 1600 by the powerful feudal lord Date Masamune.

  7. 1.晃動繩子把鐘搖響,鐘的響聲有兩個功效,一是告訴神靈有人來參拜,一是為參拜者驅邪。 註意搖繩子時不要用力過猛。 2.把香火錢放在功德箱內。 3.向神社鞠躬行禮兩次。 4.拍手兩次。 5.祈禱。 6.再鞠躬行禮一次。 以上方法是比較常規的做法,因地方和神社不同,做法上也有差異。 並不是每個祈禱處都有鐘,如果沒有則省略鳴鐘這一步。 另外有些地方在“鳴鐘投錢,二禮二拍祈禱再一禮”前後,各加一次輕微鞠躬;遠近聞名的島根縣出雲大社,不是拍兩次手而是四次。 更正規的做法是在完成以上事項之後吟誦祈禱詞“天津祝詞”。

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