雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2024年4月11日 · 5月5日是日本的「兒童節」。 人們習慣在這天掛起鯉魚旗,以祈求孩子健康成長。 在高達333公尺的 東京鐵塔 上,會掛起333幅鯉魚旗; 東京晴空塔 更會有1,000幅以上的鯉魚旗迎風飄揚。 神田祭. 神田明神的神田祭是「日本三大祭典」,也是「江戶三大祭典」之一,其起源據傳可回溯至8世紀。 「本祭」(正式祭典)間隔一年在奇數年舉行,偶數年則會舉辦縮小規模的「陰祭」。 由於陰祭僅舉行儀式,因此民眾無法參加。 本祭時人們抬著神轎在東京街頭列隊行進,令人印象深刻。 「本祭」是2年才能體驗1次的寶貴祭典。 ※2024年是陰祭,民眾無法參加。 三社祭 是為紀念創建淺草寺的3位人物而舉辦的神社祭禮,在每年5月中旬舉辦,為期3天。 屆時您可欣賞音樂,參觀神轎或品嚐小吃,是體驗東京下町風情的大好機會。 暗闇祭

  2. 2022年6月16日 · Edogawa Ward created custom-designed manhole covers featuring Kiki and her black cat from Kiki's Delivery Service. Hans Christian Andersen Award-winning author Eiko Kadono illustrated as Kiki is on the covers. Kiki's Delivery Service is her most famous work.

    • Koinobori Festival
    • Kanda-Matsuri Festival
    • Sanja Matsuri
    • Kurayami Matsuri
    • Jindai Botanical Gardens Spring Rose Festival
    • Tokyo Port Festival
    • Kachiya Matsuri
    • Design Festa

    In Japan, May 5 is celebrated as Children's Day. It's a tradition to decorate your garden with koinobori (carp-shaped streamers) as a way of praying for the healthy growth of your children. 333 koinobori are displayed at Tokyo Tower, which is 333 m tall. At TOKYO SKYTREE TOWN, you can see over 1,000 koinobori swimming in the breeze.

    Kanda Myojin Shrine's Kanda-matsuri Festival is considered one of the three great festivals of Edo (as Tokyo was once called). Its roots can be traced back to the 8th century. The "Honmatsuri," or main festival, is held every other year in odd-numbered years. A scaled-down "Kagematsuri" is held in even-numbered years. However, the Kagematsuri is pu...

    The three-day Sanja Matsuriin mid-May honors the three men involved in founding the famous Sensoji Temple in Asakusa. It offers a great opportunity to experience the atmosphere of the old heart of Tokyo. Expect lots of music, portable shrines, and delicious festival food.

    This festival is held at Okunitama-jinja Shrine. It is called the "Darkness Festival" because the procession of mikoshi (portable shrines) takes place at night. Kurayami Matsuri takes place between April 30 and May 6. Note however that the rituals held between April 30 and May 2 are not open to the public. From May 3 on, there are exciting events h...

    The Jindai Botanical Gardens are home to Tokyo's largest rose garden. It has around 5,200 rosebushes of 400 varieties. The best time to see them is during the Spring Rose Festival, which is planned to feature events such as concerts and markets. You can also buy rose-related food and souvenirs. There are benches and tables set up in the gardens, so...

    The Port of Tokyo was opened to international trade on May 20, 1941. Each year, the Tokyo Port Festivalis held in honor of the occasion. Numerous organizations associated with the port host a variety of events, such as tours and rides on specialized ships.

    Kachiya Matsuricommemorates an event that took place nearly 1,100 years ago, when Taira no Masakado took arms against the imperial court. After praying for good fortune at Katori-jinja Shrine, Fujiwara no Hidesato (a court bureaucrat) succeeded in suppressing the revolt. He then gifted a bow and arrow to the shrine as a token of gratitude and named...

    Design Festais a huge international art and design event. Held at Tokyo Big Sight, it brings together over 10,000 artists representing a broad range of creative activities, including music, painting, fashion, crafts, photography, performances, and more. At Design Festa, visitors can hear directly from artists about their work, and can participate i...

  3. 2013年2月2日 · 池上梅園 池上梅園. 東京都大田區池上2-2-13. Updated: October 6, 2023. 花卉展現的季節變換. 池上梅園為距離池上本門寺步行5分鐘的庭園。 在最受歡迎的2月到3月,約30種梅樹將綻放紅白梅花,四周會飄出淡淡梅花香。 春天則有約800株杜鵑盛開,6月改由繡球花增添活力。 在池上梅園散步可以看見清月庵和聽雨庵2間茶室。 這裡一整年都對外開放。 歡迎登上樓梯,從樓梯平台與瞭望台俯望在眼前展開的公園美景。 查詢地圖. 轉乘資訊. 西馬込站淺草線南口 10分鐘. 網站. 東京南部. 羽田機場周邊. 關鍵詞. 公園・庭園. 戶外活動. 開放時間. 9:00~16:30. 週二週三週四週五週六週日國定假日. ※最後入場時間為營業結束前30分鐘.

  4. 2023年5月17日 · 6月東京的觀光景點與活動推薦. Updated: May 17, 2023. 推薦6月的東京嗎? 東京6月進入富有情調的梅雨季,街道上藍藍紫紫的繡球花恣意盛放,賞心悅目。 這個時期在室內外都有五花八門的活動,非常值得一遊。 6月的東京天氣如何? 東京6月進入梅雨季,溫暖而潮濕的氣候將持續一段時間。 一天的平均氣溫為21.9度。 由於溼度高,體感溫度也較高,建議穿著輕便衣物。 日照時間雖長,但也不要忘了帶傘。 6月的人氣活動與祭典. 東京的啤酒花園. 日本的合法飲酒年齡為20歲,而最適合這些成年人乘涼的地方就是 啤酒花園 。 百貨公司的天台、台場的沙灘、明治神宮外苑等,到處都可見到供應餐飲的啤酒花園。

  5. 2019年3月25日 · 交通方式. 從新宿站前往:搭乘JR特急列車1小時10分鐘至「大月」站。. 前往富士急樂園:搭乘富士急行線50分鐘至「富士急樂園」站。. 前往富士五湖:搭乘富士急行線55分鐘至「河口湖」站。. 或搭乘巴士2小時。. 從東京站前往:搭乘巴士2小時。. 從澀谷Mark City ...

  6. 2018年4月2日 · 日本以擁有豐富天然的溫泉資源聞名,而東京也有許多優良的溫泉。日本文化的本質之一的「Hot springs」──亦即日語的「Onsen」──對健康的益處不計其數。從前的江戶(東京)人必須要出遠門才能泡溫泉,而現在毋須離開東京便能享受完美的溫泉體驗。