雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 高山劇場. 2024年9月2日. 劇場設計盡顯心思,設備齊全。劇院座位共1 031個,是文化藝術表演匯聚之地,也是舉行社區活動的理想場地。.

  2. The 1 031-seat Theatre provides facilities for a wide range of public and private activities, which.

  3. Ko Shan Theatre, 高山劇場

  4. Babycare Room at Ko Shan Theatre New Wing Barrier Free Facilities Contact Us Play Pause Ko Shan Theatre New Wing Theatre blends with natural park environment Dedicated venue for Cantonese Opera with tailor-made facilities Points of interests Awards ...

  5. URBTIX Box Office is situated on the foyer of the Ko Shan Theatre. Opening hours: 10am - 6:30pm daily. (For evenings with charged- admission events, the box office will operate up to 30 minutes after curtain up) Ticketing Enquiries and Customer Service: (852) 3166 1100.

  6. www.sat.hk.space.museum › en › kstKo Shan Theatre - Home

    Ko Shan Theatre New Wing Due to Red Rainstorm Warning is still being hoisted as at 9am, the rehearsal and performance scheduled for today at Ko Shan Theatre New Wing is cancelled. ※Audience should keep unused tickets of the performance and await

  7. 起點: 土瓜灣站 C 出口需時: 約 5 - 7 分鐘Starting Point: To Kwa Wan MTR Exit CDuration: 5 - 7 minutes approx.路痴每一條片係為睇緊既你做。 如果幫到手,請你幫我like咗條片 (最好可以訂閱埋),呢兩個掣係我整下一條片幫大家既動力?...

  8. Built in 1983 but recently renovated and expanded, Ko Shan Theatre is now a hub for Cantonese opera. Like other forms of Chinese opera, the Cantonese variety features sweeping historical epics performed through song, martial arts and acrobatics.

  9. 高山劇場於1983年落成啟用,設有3,000個座位,由於當時半露天型的設計經常受到天氣及噪音影響,劇場於1994年開始籌備改善工程,1996年10月重新啟用。. 改善工程包括拆去原有的露天座位,於原址上進行重建,加添了排練室、會議室、展覽櫥窗和城市售票處等 ...

  10. Opened on 31 October 2014, the 5-storey Ko Shan Theatre New Wing comprises an 596-seat auditorium, an exhibition gallery, a function room, rehearsal rooms and singing practice rooms. It is also equipped with a green roof, a car park basement, a specialist store for Cantonese and Chinese opera products.

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