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    2023年12月21日 · 大部份人初玩健身嘅時侯都係為左「減肥」,其實即係要減脂,咁就要配合帶氧運動,例如跑步、拳擊等. 而且要適當節食,避免攝入過量糖份,令到燃燒嘅熱量大於攝取嘅熱量,達成「熱量赤字」,先有減肥嘅效果。. 相反,如果同學本身身形瘦削,想要多啲 ...

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  7. Personal profile. Dr Raymond Kong is a Lecturer in the Department of Curriculum and Instruction. He is the Chairperson of the Departmental International and Local Engagement Committee and is currently a working member of the Dean’s Quality Assurance Team for Self-funded activities. He teaches postgraduate and undergraduate courses in the area ...