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  1. Diamond Culture 為迷雅鑽﹙Diamania﹚的 Lab Grown Diamond培育鑽石品牌。 迷雅鑽創立於2013年,至今已 服務過萬客人 ,是具人氣的鑽石及婚戒專門店。 迷雅鑽不僅是 GIA官方認可 零售商,大部份員工﹙包括負責這實驗室鑽石品牌的員工﹚亦具備 GIA專業資格 ,絕對能為客人清楚解釋每顆培育鑽石的細節。 我們與人造鑽石廠家緊密聯繫,一手貨源以保障最低成本,而且 價格透明 ,堅持 薄利多銷 ,因此我們的實驗室鑽石 售價比一般網店和樓上鋪更低 。 此外,迷雅鑽已連續多年持有 正貨商標 ,代表我們一直良心經營,絕對擁有優質的資歷及信譽。 Diamond Culture團隊有信心成為領先的培育鑽石香港網上+實體店。 關於我們.

    • 訂購流程

      訂購流程 - Diamond Culture: 實驗室培育鑽石 | 人造鑽石香 ...

    • 預約到店

      預約到店 - Diamond Culture: 實驗室培育鑽石 | 人造鑽石香 ...

    • 戒指鑲嵌款式

      Diamond Culture提供多款匠心打造的日本及本地培育鑽石戒指 ...

    • 吊墜鑲嵌款式

      吊墜鑲嵌款式 - Diamond Culture: 實驗室培育鑽石 | 人造鑽 ...

    • 鑲嵌服務

      Diamond Culture 除了鑲嵌本店出售的鑽石,亦提供專業代鑲 ...

    • 鑽石手鏈

      培育鑽石手鏈 明亮閃爍的培育鑽石手鍊能為你在所有場合提升 ...

    • 所有品牌

      Diamond Culture有多款日本結婚戒指品牌,客人可選擇不同牌 ...

  2. Lab grown diamonds are an ethical alternative to mined diamonds. They are created using cutting-edge technology in laboratories, using the same principles that natural diamonds require to be formed - heat, pressure, and carbon. Lab grown diamonds take just

    • 價格及稀有度。兩者最大的分別,莫過於培育鑽石的價格僅是天然鑽石的10-15%,擁有愈高評級的鑽石,價格差距往往愈大。主要是因為實驗室培育鑽石雖然製作技術門檻高,但算是可持續性生產,而現時的技術已較多年前明顯進步,使生產成本亦有所下降;而天然鑽石除了開採成本高昂,它是需要極長時間、日積月累於高溫高壓的地幔深處形成,極之稀少珍貴,亦不可能再增加存有量。
    • 保值能力。對於以鑽石作訂婚信物的客人,這一點可能不算太重要;但亦有不少客人,或會關心日後升級鑽石或投資的可能性,這是值得考慮的問題。迷雅鑽認為實驗室培育鑽石主要是屬於自用性質,而不應視為保值或投資的工具。
    • 外觀比較。在物理特性﹙包括折射率及硬度﹚以及化學特性完全一樣的情況下,實驗室培育鑽石的外觀可以說是跟天然鑽石一模一樣。兩者擁有一樣的閃爍度,即使是專家也很難單憑肉眼分辦實驗室培育鑽石和天然鑽石。
    • 如何區分培育鑽石。培育鑽石與天然鑽石雖然外觀上一致,但兩者有不同的內含物品種和獨特的生長紋路,這些因素雖然都不影響鑽石的外觀,卻可讓化驗所把兩類鑽石區分開來。
  3. Diamond Culture might be the best lab grown diamond Hong Kong retailer. We have transparent and competitive HK pricing plus professional knowledge in lab made diamonds.

    • What Are Laboratory-Grown Diamonds?
    • Laboratory-Grown Diamond Timeline
    • How Are Laboratory-Grown Diamonds Made?
    • How Are Laboratory-Grown Diamonds Identified?
    • How Does Gia Evaluate Laboratory-Grown Diamonds?
    • Why Gia?

    Laboratory-grown diamonds have essentially the same chemical, optical and physical properties and crystal structure as natural diamonds. Like natural diamonds, they are made of tightly-bonded carbon atoms. They respond to light in the same way and are just as hard as natural diamonds. The main differences between laboratory-grown and natural diamon...

    1950s:Union Carbide produces the first Chemical Vapor Deposition (CVD) diamonds in 1952. Others produce diamonds using the high pressure, high temperature (HPHT) method soon after. These diamonds a...
    1970s:General Electric researchers create the first gem-quality laboratory-grown diamonds. They are of high enough clarity and large enough size to be used in jewelry. GIA scientists publish the fi...
    Mid-1980s:Manufacturers grow commercial quantities of gem-quality laboratory-grown diamond crystals. These lab-created diamonds are initially mostly small and yellowish or brownish in color, but th...
    2000s:Gem-quality diamonds are created using the chemical-vapor deposition (CVD) method, which requires lower pressures and temperatures than the HPHT method.

    There are two main processes used to create laboratory-grown diamonds: 1. High Pressure, High Temperature (HPHT) With this method, laboratory-grown diamonds are produced using high-pressure, high-temperature conditions similar to what natural diamonds experience in the earth. HPHT diamond growth occurs at pressures of 5–6 GPa (roughly equivalent to...

    Laboratory-grown diamonds require advanced testing in a gemological laboratory to be identified with certainty. At laboratories like GIA, scientists and graders used sophisticated instruments to analyze diamond strain patterns, trace element composition, inclusions, fluorescence, phosphorescence and more in order to separate laboratory-grown diamon...

    When a laboratory-grown diamond is submitted to a GIA laboratory, it is first examined to determine if it is natural or laboratory-grown. Then, GIA graders evaluate it using the 4Cs, a standard of evaluation created by GIA and implemented all over the world. Our graders evaluate each laboratory-grown diamond with the same meticulous care as natural...

    At GIA, we are uniquely positioned to provide laboratory-grown diamond reports due to our more than 60 years of diamond research, the knowledge we gain from evaluating millions of diamonds every year, and the information we collect from growing CVD diamonds in-house for research purposes. Considering a laboratory-grown diamond? Know the identity an...

  4. 4500 Certified Lab grown diamonds across Hong Kong, India & New York locations at unbeatable rates. With over 70% of our stock consisting of Fancy Coloured Diamonds shot in ‘you get what you see’ guaranteed true-colour videos, it clearly makes us one of the world’s largest stockists of Fancy Coloured Labgrown Diamonds!

  5. 2023年3月23日 · 實驗室培育鑽石 (Laboratory-grown diamonds / LGDs) ,亦稱合成鑽石 、人造鑽石、未來鑽石、CVD / HPHT鑽石,英文稱為lab grown / cultured / synthetic / man-made / engineered / future diamonds。 實驗室培育鑽石 它們雖然不是天然而成,但也是100%的真鑽石。 天然鑽石需要十億多年才能在地底深處天然形成,但培育鑽石則能於實驗室使用可持續方法 (CVD 或 HPH.

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