雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. Friday. Christmas Day. 25 December. Wednesday. The first weekday after Christmas Day. 26 December. Thursday. A Government spokesman said, “As the second day of Lunar New Year in 2024 falls on a Sunday, the fourth day of Lunar New Year will be designated as a general holiday in substitution.”. Add Public Holidays to E-calendar.

  2. The 12 statutory holidays for 2021 are: 1. The first day of January. 1 January. 2. Lunar New Year’s Day. 12 February. 3. The second day of Lunar New Year.

  3. 請注意: (i)根據《僱傭條例》,當農曆年初一、年初二或年初三適逢星期日時,會以農曆年初四替代成為法定假日。由於2021年的農曆年初三適逢星期日,因此有關的法定假日會改為農曆年初四。 (ii)任何僱員,都可享有上述法定假日,如法定假日適逢僱員的休息日,應於休息日翌日補假。

  4. Statutory Holidays for 2018 - 2025. Top. The 12 statutory holidays for 2020 are: 1. The first day of January 1 January 2. Lunar New Year’s Day 25 January 3. The third day of Lunar New Year.

  5. An employee, irrespective of his length of service, is entitled to the following statutory holidays: the first day of January. Lunar New Year's Day. the second day of Lunar New Year. the third day of Lunar New Year. Ching Ming Festival. Labour Day, being the first day of May. the Birthday of the Buddha.

  6. 2017 - 2024年的法定假日. 2022年的13天法定假日是: 1. 1月1日 1月1日 2. 農曆年初一 2月1日 3. 農曆年初二 2月2日 4. 農曆年初三 2月3日 5. 清明節 4月5日 6. 勞動節 5月1日 7. 佛誕.

  7. 4 October. Tuesday. The first weekday after Christmas Day. 26 December. Monday. The second weekday after Christmas Day. 27 December. Tuesday. A Government spokesman said, "As Labour Day and the Birthday of the Buddha in 2022 both fall on a Sunday, the day following them will be designated as a general holiday in substitution.