雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. Employment Ordinance, Chapter 57. The Employment Ordinance is the main piece of legislation governing conditions of employment in Hong Kong. Since its enactment in 1968, the benefits provided for under the Ordinance have been substantially improved. It now covers a comprehensive range of employment protection and benefits for employees ...

  2. 僱傭條例(香港法例第 57 章). 《僱傭條例》是規管本港僱傭條件的主要法例。. 該條例自1968制定以來,經大幅修訂,目前為僱員提供全面的僱傭保障和福利,其中包括:. 工資保障. 休息日. 有薪假日. 有薪年假. 疾病津貼. 生育保障.

  3. 如需以HTML格式列印整章法例,請先按目錄下方的 鍵,然後按。如要在同一頁面中列印雙語內容,請把頁面方向調校至水平(橫向)。如法例同時備有RTF格式的選項,你可直接往頁底的下載區,下載並列印整章法例的RTF文本。

  4. To print the whole chapter in HTML, please click at the bottom of the TOC panel and then click .Please set the page orientation to “Landscape” for printing of bilingual texts on a single page. If the chapter is also available in RTF format, you may go straight to the ...

  5. 如需以HTML格式列印整章法例,請先按目錄下方的 鍵,然後按。如要在同一頁面中列印雙語內容,請把頁面方向調校至水平(橫向)。如法例同時備有RTF格式的選項,你可直接往頁底的下載區,下載並列印整章法例的RTF文本。

  6. This guide sets out in simple terms the main provisions of the Employment Ordinance (Cap. 57). It should be noted that the Ordinance itself remains the sole authority for the provisions of the law explained. Please refer to Appendix 2 for enquiries services. This version is finalised in December 2023.

  7. Employment Ordinance at a Glance. This leaflet sets out in simple terms the main provisions of the Employment Ordinance (Cap.57). It should be noted that the Ordinance itself remains the sole authority for the provisions of law explained. For details, please refer to the full text of the Ordinance or. www.labour.gov.hk/eng/

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