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  1. laser circumcision 相關

  2. GV Medical Specialist Centre Minor surgery Medical Specialist in Hong Kong. 5th Floor Granville House 41C-D Granville Road Tsim Sha Tsui

  3. Specialists provide information on circumcision. Foreskin problems in children and adults. Diagnosis can be made a appointment on the same day.


  1. 激光包皮環切手術. Laser Circumcision. 醫生會利用激光刀代替手術刀,替病人切除多餘的包皮。 這種手術的好處是手術切口齊整,手術時近乎没有流血,以及手術後的傷口疼痛及水腫較少,所以病人的康復較快。 詳細資料. 立即查詢. 微創包皮免縫手術 (包皮槍) Stapled Circumcision. 包皮槍是一種一次性的手術儀器,醫生會利用包皮槍切除病人多餘的包皮。 這種手術的好處是手術時間短,而且手術時幾乎有流血。 詳細資料. 立即查詢. 激光包皮環切手術 Laser Circumcision. ⬢ 1.1 手術過程. 手術可以在全身麻醉、半身麻醉或局部麻醉下進行。 手術過程中醫生會用激光刀代替傳統手術刀,切除過長的包皮,使龜頭顯露出來。

  2. The Laser technique is a well-recognized approach to circumcision providing the advantage of minimal bleeding risk post-operatively. Procedure. The advantages of our circumcision method are multiple. First, the penis is protected from injury during the procedure by a special-designed metal ring .

  3. 激光包皮環切術的好處是在手術進行時,出血較少以及復原較快。 一般情況下,成人可在診所手術室以局部麻醉方式進行,過程只需約20至30分鐘,術後1至2天可如常上班或上學。 包皮手術前準備: 保守治療利用止痛藥及抗生素控制炎症,而且可以運用小工具防止趾甲嵌入。 倒甲手術. 手術前應盡量嘗試翻開包皮清理垢。 若只是包皮過長,能正常翻起包皮的男士,可於手術前一星期,多點翻開包皮,讓龜頭有較多時間外露,以及有機會與衣物產生接觸,減少龜頭於術後的不適感覺。 手術前應在家中自行剃掉陰莖旁的陰毛,減少術後傷口發炎的機會,以及方便護理傷口。 患者最好帶備緊身內褲或泳褲於手術後穿著。 另外,手術後一個月都不宜進行性行為。 包皮環切術後的護理: 手術後患者或會感到傷口有輕微痛楚,可遵醫生處方服食止痛藥。

  4. Laser circumcision is a surgical procedure that uses a high-energy laser to remove excess foreskin from the penis precisely. This minimally invasive technique treats conditions like phimosis (inability to retract foreskin) and paraphimosis (inability to return foreskin).

  5. 2020年7月16日 · We wished to present the clinical applications and to evaluate the benefits of the use of a carbon dioxide (CO 2) laser versus the conventional procedure for circumcision in adults, in terms of duration of surgery, surgical techniques, complications, pain and cosmetic appearance.

    • Piero Ronchi, Stefano Manno, Lucio Dell'Atti
    • 10.2147/RRU.S260636
    • 2020
    • Res Rep Urol. 2020; 12: 255-260.
  6. Compared with the old laser circumcision, the new laser circumcision which uses a specialized metal ring gives better protection to the penis and also allows more precise laser removal of the foreskin, avoiding the removal of excessive skin which often happens in traditional circumcision.

  7. Conventional, laser, and stapler circumcision are three major types of circumcision surgery for adults in Hong Kong. Learn about the pros and cons of each.