雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 任何人仕均可以報考LCCI考試,無需一定為本校學生。 如報名考試,需遞交報名表 (親身到校)。 無需准考證,考生必須帶同身份證應考。 考試成績及證書約於考試後 4 個月發放,需親身到校領取,若是代領的情況請出示同學之身份證明文件副本及授權信。

  2. %E9%80%80%E4%BC%91-%E9%96%8B%E6%94%AF-%E6%AF%8F%E6%9C%88%E8%BF%9115000%E5%85%83-%E4%B8%80%E9%A0%85%E6%B6%88%E8%B2%BB%E6%88%90%E5 %A4%A7%E7%86%B1/ 32. 19-4-2024 香港 ...

  3. 基礎會計 Book-keeping Level 1. $ 1,390.00 $ 1,110.00. 課程簡介:. 本課程是按英國倫敦商會LCCI 初級程度考試而度身訂造,粵語授課,英文教材是為幫助學生應付LCCI初級考試而設計。. 課程內容包括: (1) 會計公式; (2) 複式簿記入賬法; (3) 原始賬簿; (4) 編制試算表及其功能 ...

    • On Completion of The Programme, Students Should Be Able to
    • Syllabus
    • Award
    • Tutor Profile
    prepare the general ledger accounts,
    prepare the bank reconciliation statements,
    apply the concept of depreciation and make provisions in accounting statements.
    Double entry book-keeping system
    General Ledger
    Day Books
    Trial Balance

    Upon successful completion of the programme and achieve 70% of attendance, students will be awarded within the HKU System through HKU SPACE "Certificate for Module (LCC & I Examination Preparatory Programme Level 1: Book-Keeping)".

    Mr Patrick YAU CPA; CPAA Master of Professional Accounting; MBA (Griffith University) BSc in Mathematical Statistics (University of Queensland) With over 10 years of experience in teaching, coaching and facilitation in various professional accountancy examination preparatory programmes, he could understand the learning needs of a wide range of stud...

  4. With over 8000 Centres in more than 86 countries around the world. LCCI is also one of the leading providers of National Vocational Qualifications in the United Kingdom, covering a wide range of business-related skills that are both practical and relevant.

  5. LCCI簿記level-1. 維基百科,自由的百科全書. LCCI 簿記 Book-Keeping level-1 [1] 是基本 會計 的入門部份,此考試希望考生能牚握記錄 商業 交易 概念,以及為獨立交易商記帳和準備其會計記錄。. 這是成為會計文員的基本知識。. 考試成功者可以修讀 簿記及會計 。. 此 ...

  6. URL 编码(百分比编码). URL 编码将字符转换为可通过因特网传输的格式。. URL 只能使用 ASCII 字符集 通过因特网进行发送。. 由于 URL 通常包含 ASCII 集之外的字符,因此必须将 URL 转换为有效的 ASCII 格式。. URL 编码使用后跟十六进制数字的 "%" 替代不安全的 ASCII ...