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  2. Leakage测试的意义在于在 Open-Short 测试之后,对芯片的输入IO,进行漏电流测试。 可以尽早发现IO结构问题。 为接下来的功能测试做准备。 Leakage 主要测试数字输入IO的漏电流测量IIH/IIL, PULL HIGH/PULL LOW。 IIL测试 :IIL是对IO进行驱动低电平 (L)时测试输入IO (I)中的电流 (I); IIL测试测量从输入引脚到VDD的电阻。 进行 IIL 测试时,首先电源端施加 VDDmax,所有的输入管脚通过 Pin Driver 施加 VIH. 预处理为逻辑 1 状态;接着通过切换将 DC 测量装置(如 PMU)连接到待测的管脚,驱动 低电平输入,测量其电流并与期间规格书中定义的 IIL 边界进行比较;完成后再切换到下一个待测引脚。

    • woody - 知乎

      半个程序员 IC测试行业的搬砖人 回答数 13,获得 41 次赞同

  3. 洩漏測試 Leaking test. 密閉或封裝零件之所以需要密閉就是避免外在氣體、水份、空氣進入零件內,或零件內液體/氣體洩漏至外部來影響零件本身功能、汙染到其他部件。. 常見測試密閉性的包括電池、汽車相關的零配件,例如電池的封裝、電池芯避免電解液洩漏 ...

  4. Ponding test with fluorescent dye gives the direct prove of the water leakage. With the aid of UV photography , the fluorescent effect can be clearly inspected on the affected area (e.g. ceiling) if the fluorescent dye water leaks from the possible source of water leakage (e.g. bathroom)

  5. 2020年2月8日 · A leak test is a procedure used to determine if an object, product, or system functions within a specified leak limit. A leak occurs when a gas or liquid flows through an object via an imperfection or manufacturing defect such as a hole, crack or weak seal.

  6. leakage test in which a liquid containing a dye or fluorescent oil is driven by a pressure differential into the leak in the wall of the object to be tested and is then detected by a visual inspection on the other side

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