雅虎香港 搜尋


      • Location of LinkedIn HK Office LinkedIn 香港辦公室位置 38/F Hysan Place, 500 Hennessy Road, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong 香港銅鑼灣軒尼詩道500 號希慎廣場 38 樓
      www.vtc.edu.hk/uploads/files/Events/Route to LinkedIn HK Office (Hysan)_2019.pdf
  1. 其他人也問了

  2. Join your colleagues, classmates, and friends on LinkedIn. Get started. 1 billion members | Manage your professional identity. Build and engage with your professional network. Access knowledge, insights and opportunities.

  3. Where we work. With employees working from home or from one of our 30+ offices on 5 continents, we’re closer than you think. Learn more about a LinkedIn location near you: Americas Europe and Middle East Asia Pacific. Our technical, business, and creative teams work in more than 30 global offices.

  4. 2015年5月21日 · (林宇翔攝) 外國科技公司如Google及facebook 等辦公室以設備豪華舒適聞名,但香港其實也有類似的office。 社交網絡公司LinkedIn在香港的辦公室不但坐擁海景,同時亦設乒乓球桌等設備,令員工休憩使用。 希慎興業寫字樓租務總監葉慕貞 (左)指,旗下寫字樓租金穩定,出租率達99%。 (林宇翔攝) LinkedIn在希慎廣場辦公室的坐擁海景,其1.6萬平方呎的總面積有過千平方呎的飲食休閒空間。 辦公室設有乒乓球桌、大型電視牆、健身室等供員工休憩使用,而辦公室所在的希慎廣場也着力打造綠色環境,除有綠牆,還在天台建都市農圃供租戶種蔬菜。 為方便租戶員工踏單車上班,其停車場亦設有24個單車位。 (林宇翔攝) 高樓底受歡迎.

  5. Ensure that you have signed in to your LinkedIn account. Access the LinkedIn Support homepage. Click Get help from us. Click Other and search for a question or a topic. If you don't find an answer ...

  6. 香港. 【博客活動】參觀LinkedIn Hong Kong Office. 23:30 ,0 Comments. 某日安娜收到LinkedIn的Office參觀邀請。 事實上,我對這類跨國的社交網絡服務公司的辨公室設計一向很感與趣,所以應邀出席。 以下時間,一起到LinkedIn在 銅鑼灣希慎廣場的Office閒遊吧。 門口大堂以簡單的木系作裝璜,簡約清新但不失格調. Office內會見到不少香港地方名,如蘭桂坊、旺角等,來區分各個區域及功能房. 這是其中一個會客室. 另外還有專為媽媽級同事而設的nursing room,十分人性化. 驟眼看辦公室與平常沒太大不同. 但細心留意,其實這裡的康樂設施非常豐富. 令安娜喜悅感上昇的pentry.

  7. Since then, Hong Kong members has doubled to 900,000. In 2014, two years after its opening, LinkedIn Hong Kong has expanded and moved to a 10,000 square foot office at Hysan Place, Causeway Bay, with more than 50 employees.