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  1. Please choose an area within England,UK. Find Schools in Barking & Dagenham. Find Schools in Barnet. Find Schools in Bedfordshire. Find Schools in Berkshire. Find Schools in Bexley. Find Schools in Brent. Find Schools in Bristol. Find Schools in Bromley.

  2. Discover the best performing state and independent schools in England. Sorting options. Sort schools by their Key Stage 2, GCSE or A-Level results. League table rankings. Compare schools' rankings this year, with their previous year's rank. It really is an incredible game changing website.

  3. 2021年1月26日 · Locrating利用英國教育部和國家統計局提供的數據,創建龐大的學校資料庫,現時已涵蓋英格蘭超過60,000間公立及私立中小學及幼兒園的資料。 用家只要輸入郵政編碼或學校名稱,即可在地圖獲得學校的重要資訊如收生範圍、視學評級(Ofsted)報告、不同學習階段及公開試的表現、超額申請情況(oversubscribed)等。 Lewis及Erica認為,「用家」評價亦很重要,因此透過家長問卷調查,整理出學生的開心指數及學校在處理校園欺凌(anti-bullying rating)等極重要資訊。 網站分免費及收費版,當然,關鍵數據只提供予訂閱用戶,但只需6.99英鎊(約74港元)月費,筆者當時也曾課金,覺得絕對化算。

  4. England and Wales only. Estyn reports are used for Welsh schools. Catchment Area Indicator. Clicking on a school shows a catchment area indicator, which provides a guide as to where you might need to live to get into the school. English State Schools Only. Advanced Catchment Area Checker. English State Schools Only.

  5. Often copied, never bettered. We were the first site to show schools on a browsable map, the first to colour code by rating, the only to show feeder and destination schools; we're constantly innovating - the original and the best.

  6. 2020年12月30日 · 英國網站Locrating是個智能校區地圖分析工具,在免費版上只須輸入郵政編碼,地圖上即清晰顯示鄰近學校的分布,以五種不同顏色顯示其視學評級;收費版每月只需六點九九英鎊(約港幣七十一元)就有更多功能,例如:可在地圖上設定屋企的座標位置,即有把尺幫你量度從屋企至其他位置的距離──因為有些學校的收生要求列明了指定公里距離內的住址,那大家就不怕搵錯地址搬錯屋。 此外,每所學校的資訊亦十分全面,例如最關心心儀學校超額(Over-subscribed)的超額指數,如果指數是14%,即是說申請人數超過學校的學位14%。 Locrating還詳列近五年所取錄的學生,把該校排在首三志願的比例,為大家帶來選校排序的啟示!

  7. 2022年11月13日 · 究竟如何為子女選擇一間好的英國公立中學?. 在影片中,現職中學教師 Miss Valerie Chan 教你如何利用Locrating比較公立中學,為何Ofsted report有用,但 ...

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