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  1. 1+7+1=9h|9小時新形態膠囊旅館住宿體驗. 與昨日道別迎接新的一天開始的重置只要三個步驟:「1小時的清潔洗去汗水、7小時的睡眠與1小時的梳妝打扮」。. 以此為宿泊概念於2009年12月在京都登場的「 9h ninehours 」,主打一天24小時內都可以入住,即使只有1小時的 ...

  2. 「東京上野北三丸公寓式飯店 (MIMARU東京 上野NORTH)」是2018年2月才開幕的超新住宿,不但裝潢新潮,床鋪、枕頭等寢具質料也相當柔軟,四人一間的房型含一張雙人床及上下鋪床組,還有客廳空間可以自在看電視及吃零食,最棒的是浴缸超大,逛完街後可以泡個熱水澡,保證消除一天的疲憊。 雖然是公寓式,不過仍然有大廳及服務人員,不用怕有事情的時候沒有人可以幫忙, 對於東京生活較為陌生的親子遊家庭來說,算是比較值得安心入住的選擇唷! 地址│東京都台東區上野7丁目14-4. 網站│ https://mimaruhotels.com/ja-jp/ueno-north/ 交通│地鐵京濱東北線「上野站」徒步4分鐘. 費用│約6,000至8,000日圓一晚/人.

  3. 2018年11月21日 · A capsule hotel offers a cheap alternative to more typical hotel accommodations. It might be a tight fit, but a capsule can certainly save you money! Here's how you can ensure you have a successful stay in a Japanese capsule hotel.

  4. 2020年3月6日 · Japan’s many love hotels offer couples a private space for some intimate time, typically for an hourly rate. However, despite what you might expect, love hotels are slowly beginning to shed their image as hotbeds of illicit after-hours activity. Between Japan’s small apartments and the prevalence of people living at home well into their 30s ...

  5. 2017年9月15日 · en.823kan.com. Rakuten Travel has just announced a list of the top 10 historic hotels and ryokan inns across Japan that their customers rated good value for money. To be considered, the accommodation must be recognized as a Tangible Cultural Property, an Important Cultural Property, or a National Treasure by the Japanese government.

  6. 2017年11月17日 · 1. Hotel. https://flic.kr/p/tEqABt. Short or Long Term?: Pros: Convenience, easy to book, location. Cons: Cost, Lack of independence. If you plan to come to Japan for a short holiday, a hotel is the hassle-free way to go. Bigger cities offer all kinds of prices and locations, and even smaller cities will have at least one hotel.

  7. 2016年6月30日 · From futuristic designs to being surrounded by the great outdoors, we take a look at some of the incredible next-level capsule hotels that can be found both in Japan and around the world. Journeying outside of Japan brings us to CityHub, where the rooms are called “hubs” because that definitely sounds like a comfier place to sleep than a capsule.