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  1. 海象資訊服務全書下載

  2. 由於太陽對地表的加熱不均勻,熱帶地區接收太陽輻射能量多,空氣受熱上升。因流體連續性,地表兩側空氣會朝熱帶水平流動,以補充上升氣流留下的空缺。 圖1-6 6月至8月(左)及12月至隔年2月(右)的850百帕氣候平均風,顏色代表緯向風速。

  3. It is advisable to take measures to cool off, such as using fans or applying ice packs. Pay extra attention to those at greater risk of heat-related illnesses, such as the elderly, infants and young children, people with chronic conditions (including obesity), people on certain medications, disadvantaged people, and people who work or do sports outdoors.

  4. Department of Commerce // National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration // 4 System & Infrastructure Enhancements Framework upgrade to HWRFV4.0a with bug fixes Optimize and unify the domain sizes of ghost domains used for initialization and DA

  5. 中央氣象局全球資訊網

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