雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 惠比壽花園廣場內融合商場、展覽館、電影院、東京都寫真美術館等設施,還匯集了咖啡店、餐廳,假日更不定時舉行有市集,旅人在此晃上一天也不足以為奇。. 其中特別推薦位於38樓的免費展望台「sky lounge」,不僅可眺望東京鐵塔與新宿高樓,天氣好時還能 ...

  2. 與世界上大多數民族的特色服裝一樣,在男女的設計上分得相當清楚,在這一篇日本文化入門講座,便要深入淺出的告訴大家男女和服的差異之處。. 雖然不少外國遊客入駐溫泉旅館,或是觀覽京都,金澤這些古都時,都曾有過和服試穿拍照留念的在地體驗,但 ...

  3. 2017年10月16日 · Discussions around sexual and gender rights are becoming more and more prevalent in Japan, and transgender rights are right at the center. We were fortunate to talk with Selina Provias, who came out as transgender and underwent hormone therapy in Japan, to learn about her experiences and how they have affected her work and personal life here.

  4. 專為女性顧客打造的3家風格完全不同的旅館,最適合與閨蜜約定來一場說走就走旅行的你,在旅途中拍拍美照,吃吃美食,晚上在女生專屬的旅館中講講私房話,為自己的日本之旅留下不同於千篇一律遊記的限定回憶吧!

  5. 2017年,為了慶祝開園百週年邀來瀬田夏樹自編自導《公園小情歌》,由橋本愛、永野芽郁、染谷將太主演,以公園和音樂為主軸,連結過去、現在和未來,描述一段跨越半世紀、前所未見的青春之歌。不僅全片皆在井之頭、吉祥寺取景,橋本愛、染谷將太私底下更是時常出沒於吉祥寺,就連永野芽 ...

  6. 2019年4月10日 · Advertising for Valentine’s Day starts in January, shortly after the New Year’s holiday is over. And while in places like the U.S. the onus is usually on men to prove their love for that special someone, in Japan, women are the typical gift-givers on Valentine’s Day. And just like in other countries, chocolate is a safe choice, and sure ...

  7. 2023年5月17日 · But keep in mind that Tinder has a reputation as a place for more casual encounters, so it isn’t as popular in Japan as other entries on the list. 3. Tapple. iOS - Android. One of the three most popular dating apps in Japan (boasting more than a million downloads), Tapple claims to be geared towards both casual and serious encounters. One of ...

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