雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. The CWB tide stations have not yet adopted a standardized datum. For example, if the tidal data at Penghu is stated as "above RL 490 cm" and "above KP 318.32 cm", it means the tidal data at 490 cm in Penghu is equivalent to 318.32 cm above MSL at Keelung.

  2. Mercury was called Chen Xing in ancient China. It is the planet nearest the Sun. Its diameter is only 4,880 km and is about 38% that of the Earth. Its mass is small and is equivalent to 0.05 times that of the Earth. Mercury has an orbital period of only 88 days, but ...

  3. 中央氣象局全球資訊網

  4. A typhoon is a violent tropical cyclone, in meteorological term, which is a low pressure system occurring in tropical oceans. The winds above the ground circulate around the center counterclockwise for a typhoon occurring in the northern hemisphere and clockwise ...

  5. 災害性天氣指可能造成生命或財產損失之颱風、大雨、豪雨、雷電、冰雹、濃霧、龍捲風、強風、低溫、焚風、乾旱等天氣 ...

  6. 氣象局提供各類知識百科, 氣象常識, 天文現象, 天文觀測等。

  7. 首先登入中央氣象局網站(www.cwb.gov.tw),點開【海象】進入【即時海況】即可連結至航行海象,在【航行海象】中可得知CWB-OCM作業化海流模式的海流預報資訊,其包含表面海流與水下10米處海流流況。另外,也可在氣象局首頁網站中點開【資料】,選擇 ...

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