雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. Log on to HSBC Online Banking with your existing Security Device; You will be prompted to click on the activation link; Click the activation link and follow the steps shown on the screen. You will need to enter the serial number and security code from your Security Device, and the security code from your to complete the activation process.

  2. Talking about your money worries isn't easy, but it may really help. If you don't feel able to talk with your partner about your financial difficulties, or how they are affecting your health, try talking to:

  3. 簡單而言,「社交工程」指一種仿冒他人的詐騙伎倆。 騙徒會以不同籍口,騙取您的信任,讓您自願透露機密資料。 這種手法稱為「社交工程」,是因為騙徒會以高超的社交技巧,操控別人的心理。 他們會像進行建築工程一樣,以謊言“建構”出可信的情境,讓您感到恐慌或緊張而在一時大意下將個人資料和金錢雙手奉上。 社交工程常見手法. 騙徒的常見招數包括偽冒電話、電郵、網頁及應用程式,他們也會偽裝成您的親友,或者是為人信賴的機構人員,例如銀行職員、電信公司、甚至政府機構及警察,要求您交出賬戶密碼等個人敏感資料。 一般而言,他們的攻擊手法主要分為兩種: 漁翁撒網式. 騙徒會以「廣度代替深度」,到處發放詐騙資料尋找上釣的受害人。

  4. Talk to a Wealth Coach today to get personalised tips on managing your personal finances. Learn how to manage and invest your money better to meet your goals.

  5. 步驟 1:登入香港滙豐流動理財應用程式. 滙豐Reward+ 應用程式. 步驟 1:打開滙豐Reward+ 應用程式. 返回頁首. 在線通訊以線上對話形式免費聯繫客戶與客戶服務主任,以協助客戶使用網上理財服務,或了解相關銀行產品及查詢戶口及交易資料等。

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  6. Criminals use social engineering tactics to hack into your computer or account and steal personal information and money. How do they do this and how does it differ from other scams? We can show you how to prevent it.

  7. Latest market talk. While the US and European inflation remains sticky, their economies are seeing signs of slowdown. That further complicates the interest rate outlook. In view of the recent weaker-than-expected economic data, investors are getting concerned about the momentum and sustainability of China’s recovery this year.