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  1. 2023年11月29日 · Merislon 6 Tablet improves blood flow to the inner ear which reduces the pressure of excess fluid there. It is this pressure that is thought to cause the symptoms of nausea, vertigo (dizziness), tinnitus (ringing in your ears), and hearing loss in people who have Ménière’s disease. This medicine makes the symptoms milder and reduces the ...

  2. 敏使朗. 播报 上传视频. 敏使朗. 敏使朗(甲磺酸倍他司汀片),适应症为下列疾病伴发的眩晕、头晕感。. 梅尼埃病、梅尼埃综合征、眩晕症。. 药品名称.

  3. Betahistine mesylate 6 mg. Dosis. PENGGUNAAN OBAT INI HARUS SESUAI DENGAN PETUNJUK DOKTER. Dosis yang dianjurkan: 6-12 mg 3x sehari. Aturan Pakai. Sesudah makan. Perhatian. HARUS DENGAN RESEP DOKTER. Hati-hati penggunaan pada pasien dengan asma bronkial, riwayat penyakit tukak lambung, kerusakan hati, ibu hamil dan menyusui.

  4. MERISLON TAB 6MG. 1000粒. 成份. betahistine mesilate. 備註. 請於使用前先向醫生或藥劑師諮詢意見。. HK-48603. 網站內之產品資料只供參考,所有資料以門市為準。. MERISLON TAB 6MG, , , betahistine mesilate.

  5. Merislon(betahistine): Vertigo & dizziness associated w/ Meniere's syndrome; Meniere's disease, & peripheral vertigo. Register for a MIMS account and receive free medical publications worth $768 a year.

  6. 2022年7月20日 · Merislon 6 MG Tablet is an antivertigo medicine used in the treatment of Meniere's disease, which is an inner ear disorder. This medicine helps relieve the symptoms of Meniere's disease, such as vertigo (a feeling of dizziness or spinning sensation), ringing in the ears, nausea, and hearing loss. It works by improving blood flow around the inner ear. This will reduce the build-up of pressure ...

  7. 藥物品名 敏使朗錠6公絲(貝他喜汀) 英文名稱 MERISLON TABLETS 6MG (BETAHISTINE MESILATE) 禁忌 副作用 須由醫師處方使用 有任何不良反應請立即停止使用 劑型用法 錠劑 許可證 字號 衛署藥製字第005925號 包裝類別 鋁箔盒裝;;塑膠瓶裝 藥物圖片 作用 功效 適應症

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