雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2019年6月25日 · Looking to get hands-on with some of Japan's oldest traditions? Zen meditation is a great way to practice mindfulness and relax, and there are plenty of great places around the country where visitors can enjoy it!

  2. 2018年7月10日 · The most popular courses are the “Mindfulness” one that Anji took and the “Sleep and Recovery” course, which is conducted lying down on a comfortable futon-like cushion. As expected, many tired Tokyoites end up falling asleep during the latter course, but for muon that isn’t a problem at all.

  3. 2023年9月12日 · 坐禅会时间:每月的第二个周日9:00~10:00. 语言:日语. 费用:免费. 【篩月】. 地址:天龙寺内. 营业时间:11:00~14:00. 套餐价格:雪(五菜一汤)3300日元;月(六菜一汤)5000日元;花(七菜一汤)8000日元. 近年逐渐开始流行起来的“正念”“冥想”其实有着悠久 ...

  4. 2022年5月25日 · Waterfall. Waterfall meditation is a rare practice that samurai and ascetic Japanese Buddhists and Shintoists engaged in for centuries. Whether translated as waterfall meditation or training, it is a shocking, exhilarating, and memorable introduction to an extraordinary form of spiritual development and self-control.

  5. 2019年2月18日 · Purify Body & Mind with Waterfall Training. Japan has a rich and complex spiritual history, and even today Shintoism plays an important role in the country's cultural identity. There are many time-honored traditional practices—like meditation and other ascetic practices—handed down by priests and monks, many of which can be beneficial to ...

  6. 來到京都一定會去的景點是清水寺,從奈良時代起便開始有祭祀觀音的習俗。. 這裡除了能夠欣賞到千年的佛像,還能遠眺京都塔的美景。. 其中最有名的則是寺內的音羽瀑布 (音羽の滝),被稱為延命水、黃金水;不少校外教學的學生前來祈求學問、也是祈求戀愛 ...

  7. 日本一直以壓力大著稱,不管你是上班族,還是學生黨,長期壓抑的生活是不是讓你失去了生活的興趣?夜晚之所以迷人,是因為可以釋放無處安放的靈魂。選擇一個好的釋放壓力確是難上加難,在消費和倫理都能合理接受的前提下,不妨到酒吧聽聽音樂小酌一下吧!在東京的夜晚,你可以透過具有 ...

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