雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2019年6月25日 · Looking to get hands-on with some of Japan's oldest traditions? Zen meditation is a great way to practice mindfulness and relax, and there are plenty of great places around the country where visitors can enjoy it!

  2. 2023年9月12日 · 坐禅会时间:每月的第二个周日9:00~10:00. 语言:日语. 费用:免费. 【篩月】. 地址:天龙寺内. 营业时间:11:00~14:00. 套餐价格:雪(五菜一汤)3300日元;月(六菜一汤)5000日元;花(七菜一汤)8000日元. 近年逐渐开始流行起来的“正念”“冥想”其实有着悠久 ...

  3. 2018年7月10日 · Once she entered, Anji was greeted by a young woman who offered her hot water that was boiled in a heavy iron pot. Seated in the waiting area, drinking hot water and taking in the aromas carefully mixed by a professional aromatherapist, Anji felt her body and her mind start to switch into “off mode." Soon she was led into the meditation ...

  4. 2022年5月25日 · Takigyo: Japanese Waterfall Meditation. Waterfall meditation is a rare practice that samurai and ascetic Japanese Buddhists and Shintoists engaged in for centuries. Whether translated as waterfall meditation or training, it is a shocking, exhilarating, and memorable introduction to an extraordinary form of spiritual development and self-control.

  5. 2023年12月5日 · The process demands mindfulness and concentration—the ultimate requirement for self-care and mental rest. Indulging the Senses: Authentic Traditions and Historic Meals Favorite soba of the Emperor of Showa.

  6. 2019年10月23日 · 在搭乘JR山手線觀光時,可曾注意過,位在原宿站後方,有著一大片綠意呢?那不是普通的公園,而是為了記念明治天皇與昭憲皇太后所計畫建造的「明治神宮」。明年 (2020年) 剛好滿一百年的明治神宮,是東京各景點中海外訪客數最多,同時也是被評比為米其林三星級的觀光景點之一。

  7. 東京每個地區都有不同的特色,像是中目黑、代官山這一帶充滿著異國風情,生活步調比較緩慢悠哉,鬧中取靜,巷弄裡有不少時尚服飾、咖啡甜點店、居家雜貨等,如果是喜歡文青小店或是雜貨的人,絕對不能錯過。

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