雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2019年6月25日 · Zen is all about zazen, or seated meditation, which is a great way to practice mindfulness and engage with traditions at the same time. There are many places where visitors can enjoy an authentic zen experience!

  2. 2023年9月12日 · 坐禅会时间:每月的第二个周日9:00~10:00. 语言:日语. 费用:免费. 【篩月】. 地址:天龙寺内. 营业时间:11:00~14:00. 套餐价格:雪(五菜一汤)3300日元;月(六菜一汤)5000日元;花(七菜一汤)8000日元. 近年逐渐开始流行起来的“正念”“冥想”其实有着悠久 ...

  3. 2018年7月10日 · The most popular courses are the “Mindfulness” one that Anji took and the “Sleep and Recovery” course, which is conducted lying down on a comfortable futon-like cushion. As expected, many tired Tokyoites end up falling asleep during the latter course, but for

  4. 2022年5月25日 · Waterfall meditation is a rare practice that samurai and ascetic Japanese Buddhists and Shintoists engaged in for centuries. Whether translated as waterfall meditation or training, it is a shocking, exhilarating, and memorable introduction to an extraordinary form of spiritual development and self-control.

  5. 鄰近東京池袋的染井溫泉「SAKURA」,距離巢鴨站無需十分鐘路程,卻能享受與世隔絕的靜謐氛圍!首先,印入眼簾優雅的日式庭園,讓人彷彿來到郊區的高級溫泉旅館,而其內供應的溫泉也不容小覷,是從地下1,800公尺湧出的天然溫泉,素有美人湯之稱,其保濕、滋潤肌膚的效果加上岩盤浴,超適合 ...

  6. 由7種天然藥材和西藥混合而成的「奧田腦神經藥 M」,是創業120年的奧田製藥的暢銷藥品,其主要作用為藉由通過讓腦部神經放鬆,使其恢復正常狀態來緩解症狀。 特別是對於精神壓力而引起的神經緊張,疲勞引起的各種不適都擁有很好的效果。 同時,也能有效改善耳鳴、頭痛、肩痛或背痛,暈眩、煩躁不安,或因精神壓力引起的頭痛暈眩等症狀。 購買前建議向店員諮詢使用方法。 官網: http://okuda-seiyaku.com/han/products.html. 淺田涼喉錠. 這款鎮咳去痰的「淺田涼喉錠」,是長年來備受日本家庭愛戴的常備藥之一。 由四種天然生藥材合成,特別針對喉嚨不適,比如乾咳及痰咳或是喉嚨腫脹等症狀有非常好的效果。

  7. 2019年9月24日 · How to Mind Your Onsen Manners. Thomas Shiozaki Updated September 24, 2019. Onsen Deeper Japan. Relaxing at an onsen (hot spring) is becoming more and more popular among tourists. However, while enjoying this gift from nature, there are specific rules that must be followed—even by foreigners.

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