雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 清楚裝修細節. 身為夢想之家的主人,理應清楚了解新居的設計風格和構圖。 於裝修前,有責任列明所有裝修要求,細節如開門方向及油漆顏色,都要與裝修師傅建立共識,以避免在裝修過程中出現問題,承受裝修報價單以外的額外收費,增加非必要的經濟負擔。 選購現成傢俬. 訂造傢俬耗時又昂貴,安裝時亦可能要收取額外費用,想盡量減低裝修報價單上的金額,不妨考慮選用一些現成傢俬。 其實很多傢俬舖都有各式富有時尚品味的商品可供選擇,無需擔心找不到合適風格的傢俱。 再者,選用現成傢俬更可於無需大手改動家中格局下,因應潮流和喜好,隨時改變家居風格。 裝修報價單3大注意位. 雖然精明裝修攻略可為您減低超支危機,但仍不是萬全之策。 如果想進一步避免裝修超支,甚或爛尾的情況,就要在閱讀裝修報價單時,密切留意以下事項。

  2. Monthly average interest = Loan amount x Monthly flat rate. $100,000 x 0.5% = $500. Total interest repayment = Monthly average interest x Repayment period. $500 x 12 = $6,000. However, the loan interest rate is not merely calculated by simply multiplying the monthly flat rate by 12 months (0.5% x 12). So, even if the monthly flat rate seems to ...

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  4. Promise has been dedicated our professional service to helping Hong Kong people with their financial needs since 1992. Aside from our daily business, we also actively work with other communities in Hong Kong through various activities planning to achieve sustainability under ESG framework. We are dedicated to promoting environmental protection ...

    • Maintain A Good Credit Rating
    • Borrow The Right Amount
    • Reduce The Monthly Repayment Amount
    • Guaranteed Repayment Ability

    The success rate of personal loan approval holds a positive correlation to your credit rating. The higher the rating, the more likely your application will be approved. Financial institutions will determine your ability to fulfill your repayment responsibility based on your credit record, thus, maintaining a good credit record is crucial to get app...

    While applying for a loan, you should opt for a reasonable amount based on your actual financial needs and repayment ability, rather than just going for the maximum. Financial institutions will have looser requirements when dealing with lower loan amounts.

    If the loan amount is large and you choose a shorter repayment period, monthly repayment amount would rise accordingly. The lender may worry your ability to repay such a large amount each month and bear a risk of not receiving the full repayment on time. Therefore, extending the repayment period to adjust for an affordable repayment amount may lowe...

    When lenders approve loans, they need to bear the risk of losing money if the borrower cannot repay. If the borrower does not own any collaterals or certifications, their repayment ability can be questioned, lessening the chance of loan approval. However, providing sufficient supporting documents to prove your repayment ability can boost lender con...

  5. Common Misconceptions about Loans Some people think that they are not eligible to apply for a loan with credit card debt or an existing loan, but that is not the case! As long as you have a good repayment record and credit score, you can still get a loan approved.

  6. The loan solution suitable for you. Applying loan only with mobile number and ID card #. It has never been easier! Promise’s Personal Loan Calculator calculates monthly interest repayment with the annual percentage rate as a reference, so you can customise your loan amount and repayment period. Learn more now.

  7. Many people in Hong Kong have multiple credit cards, debts even pile up as they purchase a house or a car. Meanwhile, the interest rate of credit card loans is higher than personal loans in general. Therefore, many people will carry out debt restructuring by combining multiple outstanding balances into one loan, which reduces the repayment interest rate and extends the repayment period.

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