雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2017年11月2日 · The Imperial Regalia of Japan are the country's most highly guarded treasures. They're so heavily protected, in fact, that only a handful of people have actually seen them. Consisting of a sword, a mirror and a jewel, these relics are said to be housed in three sacred sites spread around the nation.

  2. 2018年7月4日 · Japanese digital art collective teamLab, in collaboration with local urban landscape developer Mori Building Co. Ltd., has unveiled their awe-inspiring permanent digital art museum on June 21, 2018. The amazing light displays are housed in their very own building, spread out over two floors in a huge space in Tokyo’s Odaiba district. https ...

  3. 在大多數人的印象中,日本的科技比較發達,各種高科技產品層出不窮。如果在地球人民都在使用智能手機的時代,您看見大批日本人尤其是那些西裝革履的商務人士還在使用舊式的翻蓋手機,會不會讓人跌破眼鏡呢?實際上,此時此刻,日本依然有大量的翻蓋手機被頻繁使用。

  4. 日本Outlet購物一直是來日本旅遊的朋友們行程清單中必去的行程。其中日本集中了許多必去的購物中心,能以划算的價格買到眾多知名品牌的商品,而且商品種類齊全,來一趟絕對收穫滿滿。來日本觀光度假體驗日本文化,享用各種美食的同時,也別忘了到日本各大Outlet大買特買,來一場說走就走的 ...

  5. 2023年6月19日 · In Part 1 of this series, we look at useful concepts that underlie space-efficient Japanese home design. These are not intended to give your home a “Japanese” style, though many of the concepts are rooted in tradition. Instead, these concepts are meant to stimulate your thinking about how to make the most of your own living space.

  6. 2018年3月14日 · The 'Mirror' Image Means Grim Things to Come! The large, fan-shaped floats of Hirosaki's Neputa Festival are called ogi-neputa , where ogi (扇) is the old Japanese term for a folding fan. The front image on the float is known as the kagami-e , or "mirror" image, while the reverse is the miokuri-e , or "farewell" image.

  7. 奈良美智的家鄉,青森縣弘前,位於日本本州,鄰近北海道,是個盛產蘋果的地方。. 童年是奈良美智創作的重要靈感來源,尤其是故鄉青森的景象。. 他在自傳「小星星通信」中寫道:. 從小在節奏緩慢的青森縣長大,那裡不像今天的城市這樣工業發達,冬季很 ...

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