雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. This sequence of events mirrors Thanos’ arrival in Avengers: Infinity War, where the Mad Titan destroys Titan and the Nova Corps, as well as most of the Asgardian rescue ship’s survivors, before the movie even begins. Avengers: Infinity War’s unseen destruction ...

  2. This characterization was much stronger in Hulk. The psychedelic dream sequences, particularly the mirror scene, tentatively began exploring Banner's nuanced psychological profile, and presented Hulk as a metaphor for repressed emotions. The Incredible Hulk ...

  3. The Avengers" First Fight Perfectly Mirrors A 36-Year-Old Marvel Movie:0:1 Summary Marvel movies predate the MCU by decades, and Hulk starred in some TV movies in the 1970s. ...

  4. 前陣子,數艘充滿著腐爛屍體的「幽靈船」漂流到日本西部海岸上。. 當局在這些破難的船隻上,發現上頭旗幟寫着「北韓人民軍」,因此相信它們很可能都是來自北韓的。. 根據《日本時報》,這些人想要逃避金正恩的極權統治,卻不幸在坐船時遇難。. 報導 ...

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