雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. K Cash 實體 + 網上智能金融貸款平台,借貸最快 5 分鐘批核,24 小時現金到手,全港智能櫃員機即攞現金。新客戶更可享利率 8 折優惠。K Cash 已處理貸款申請數量超過 8 萬宗。

  2. The members of the board (the “Board”) of directors (the “Directors”) of K Cash Corporation Limited and their roles and functions are set out below: Executive Directors. Mr. Lee Kun Tai Steven Ms. Wong Cheuk Sze. Non-executive Directors. Mr. Lee Sheung Shing Ms. Lee Pik Tsong Ms. Chan Wing Sze Ms. Kan Pui Yan. Independent non-executive ...

  3. 7x24 AI極速全自助貸款. 全港唯一7x24「網上+實體」AI全自助貸款體驗。. 24 小時貸款,想借就借,免入息證明文件,20秒內全自動提供貸款選項*,現金過數,幾時落分行即撳即攞 Cash!. *在通過信貸風險評估並透過K Cash App 成功提交貸款申請後,7x24 人工智能貸款 ...

  4. In this circular, unless the context otherwise requires, the following expressions shall have the following meanings: “Annual General Meeting” the annual general meeting of the Company to be held at Theatre A, HKGCC, 22/F United Centre, 95 Queensway

  5. 二零二三年十一月二十七日 重要提示 重要提示:如 閣下對本招股章程的任何內容有任何疑問, 閣下應尋求獨立專業意見。K Cash Corporation Limited K Cash集團有限公司 (於開曼群島註冊成立的有限公司) 全球發售 全球發售項下的發售股份數目 :125,000,000股股份(視乎超額配股權獲行使與

  6. Shing, Ms. Lee Pik Tsong, Ms. Chan Wing Sze and Ms. Kan Pui Yan as non-executive Directors, and Prof. Hung Wai Man JP, Mr. Mak Wing Sum Alvin and Mr. Leung Ka Cheung as independent non-executive Directors. Created Date 3/11/2024 5:48:03 PM ...

  7. (b) the total number of shares of the Company to be repurchased pursuant to the mandate in paragraph (a) above shall not exceed 10% of the total number of issued shares of the Company as at the date of passing of this resolution (subject to adjustment in the